Greetings represent a series of several actions during a call to a user’s voicemail box.
Greetings usually comprise a Welcome and an Action, e.g. Record caller’s message, whereby the welcome can comprise several components.
The greetings to be used by users can be configured.
A schedule is defined with rules that specify the greetings to be used under which criteria depending on the personal settings (e.g. greeting for public holidays).
If several similar greetings are to be configured, you can create copies with the Duplicate option.
Greetings can be generated from the standard texts supplied, self-recorded texts or available WAV files. Each greeting can be assigned a standard action, e.g. Play tone and record caller’s message, Hang up or Transfer to any phone number. Please note that the Branch to another greeting action can only be used if a license is available for Auto Attendant. These actions can also be defined for the 0 to 9 keys.
Please note that it must be possible to play the voicemail messages in Windows Media Player. The preferred format is CCITT A-Law, 8 kHz.
Creating / editing
To add a greeting click New greeting. The Create new greeting dialog opens. To edit a greeting, select it and click Edit or click directly on the name.
Enter a Name (mandatory field) for the greeting here as well as a description.
Under System texts, select the language in which system notifications such as Please wait…You are being connected or supplied text blocks are to be announced. If the customer records own texts, the same language must be selected for system notifications.
An greeting can consist of different greeting parts, which you can configure individually and easily here. The following greeting parts are available for selection. Each greeting part can be activated or deactivated
Greeting part |
Description |
Greeting part 1 |
Select from system texts, e.g. Hello, you have reached the voicemail box of. Own text can also be recorded or uploaded. |
Recorded name |
The name of the called party (if available; alternatively, phone number) is played back. |
Greeting part 2 |
Select from system texts, e.g. We are sorry, the party you are trying to reach is not available to take your call.. Own text can also be recorded or uploaded. |
Return date |
Play back the called party’s return date. The return date is determined from the called party’s team presence. |
Greeting part 3 |
Select from system texts, e.g. If you leave a message for us, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for calling us and goodbye.. Own text can also be recorded or uploaded. |
Editing the greeting part of a greeting
In a greeting, click the Edit icon of the respective greeting part.
The following settings are possible:
- Telephone number field
Enter a phone number where you can currently be reached to play the greeting parts
or to record greetings
- System text
These texts are preset and can only be selected but not changed. Select a desired system text from the dropdown list.
All texts are sorted by greeting part 1, 2 or 3.
If you want to listen to a text:
Select a system text.
Enter your extension number in the telephone number field (e.g. 255).
Click Play
and your telephone will ring - accept the call.
The greeting is now played for you.
To end the greeting, simply hang up or click Hang up
The description field cannot be adjusted for system greetings.
- Own text
You can work with your own texts here and the following options are available:
Upload own text:
You can upload wav files already available.
Click on the
button and then Search.
Select the desired wave file and click Open.
The upload now starts automatically. The file is checked for compatibility at the same time.
Download text:
Own texts can be downloaded as wav files in order to archive them, if required, or to use them in other greeting parts.
Play back own text:
Click on the Play button
and the greeting is played on the specified telephone number.
Record own text:
Use Record button
to record your own text.
The Record button changes to a Record stop button
after a click.
Alternatively, you can also use the key
end the recording at the device,
cancel with
play with
re-record with
save with
Hang-up: The call will be ended.
Description field: Enter the content of the greeting here. This facilitates detection in the overview of greeting components.
Import your greeting settings by clicking Apply. Afterwards, you need to save the Greeting by clicking Save.
Play greeting
To ensure that the greeting is configured as desired, you can simulate calls.
Playing part of a greeting:
If you only want to listen to part of the greeting, select the one you want to test in the Overview list of greetings and click Edit. A dialog of the corresponding greeting Change greeting opens, now click on the edit icon of the respective greeting part
and enter the phone number of the terminal device with which you want to test the greeting. By clicking on the play button
, the XPhone Connect Server dials the terminal device and plays the greeting for you.
Playing the complete greeting:
To test an entire greeting, click bottom right on the action Test greeting to test the entire greeting. In the following dialog you have to enter the phone number of the phone device you want to use to listen to the greeting. The entire greeting text is displayed in the dialog (if available). If you want to listen to the greeting, click on the Play button
. While you are connected to the greeting system, the numeric keypad is also clickable, which can be used to perform actions even during the greeting, depending on the configuration. You end the call by hanging up the handset or clicking the corresponding button
The default action is preset to Record signal tone and message and is executed if no input is made. The following actions are available, which can be assigned to the numeric keys of a telephone -
Action |
Can be configured individually by users (if permissible) |
Hang up |
No |
Tone and record caller’s message |
No |
Transfer to user-defined number |
Yes |
Transfer to called party’s home office number |
No, number is used from master data |
Transfer to called party’s mobile phone number |
No, number is used from master data |
Transfer to called party’s home phone number |
No, number is used from master data |
Branch to another greeting [1] |
No |
Buttons can be linked to the respective actions under Active telephone buttons during greeting (DTMF recognition), which can directly abort the greeting and perform the defined action during the greeting. For available actions, see the table above.
Other settings
It is possible to configure the waiting time before the greetings are played. If applicable, please select the desired waiting time from the dropdown list (none - 6 seconds). Furthermore, the waiting time before performing of an action can be set. If necessary, select the desired waiting period from the drop-down list (none - 6 seconds).
If the We will connect you system greeting is to be played before the connection process in order to provide the caller with some information, the corresponding check box should be activated .
In addition, one of the following actions can be performed if the connection fails:
Hang up
Signal tone & record the caller’s message
Transfer to user-defined telephone number (incl. entering the telephone number)
Transfer to home office number of the called person
Transfer to called party’s mobile phone number
Transfer to called party’s home phone number
Branch to another greeting (selection in dropdown list of all greetings)
To delete a greeting, select the greeting to be deleted and click (top) Delete.
Confirm the notification Do you really want to delete the selected greeting? with OK.
A notification will appear in the upper part of the window after successful deletion.
To duplicate a greeting, select the greeting to be duplicated and then click (top) Duplicate.
The greeting is now duplicated and saved with the addition - copy(2) to the name.
You can change the name by clicking Edit.
To test an entire greeting, select the one whose playback you want to test in the Overview list of greetings , click . In the following dialog you have to enter the phone number of the terminal device with which you want to test / listen to the greeting.
The entire content of the announcement text is displayed in the dialog (if available). If you want to listen to the greeting, click on the play button . While you are connected to the greeting system, the numeric keypad is also clickable, which can be used to perform actions even during the greeting, depending on the configuration.
Stop playing by hanging up or clicking the corresponding button.
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