

Watch our video tutorial: System settings.

Administrators configure the XPhone Connect System. Also for a selected location depending on authorisation. Administrators black can configure the entire XPhone Connect Server. A sub-administrator white only assumes tasks for certain locations.

The adaptations of the respective administrator are listed in the change logs. In this way, the cause of a configuration adaptation can be enquired more quickly in case of discrepancies.

Creating / editing

Creating an administrator

Clicking New administrator will open a new dialogue window where a new system administrator can be configured. We describe the setting options below.

Editing an administrator

First, select the entry you want to edit and then click Edit administrator or click directly on the name. In the dialogue window that opens now, you can view and edit existing settings and authorisations.


We always recommend to change the default password of the default system administrator “admin”. Please pay attention to the Password policies.


Enter the administrator’s contact data here.

First name:

Enter the administrator’s first name here.

Last name:

Enter the administrator’s last name here (mandatory field)


Enter the administrator’s email address here.


Enter a description here to be able to better distinguish this administrator from others.


The administrator’s login data are entered here:

Login name:

Enter the administrator’s login name here (mandatory field)


Enter the administrator’s password here (mandatory field)

Confirm password:

Confirm the administrator’s password here (mandatory field)

Administrator blocked:

Users can be blocked without having the delete them (symbol: crown with a small X admblocked / subadmblocked). If the user tries to log in, he will see the notification Login unsuccessful: User locked out..

Password policies

A password must consist of at least 8 characters, have upper case and lower case letters, two numbers and two special characters. As soon as the password conforms with the policy, a small green tick appears at the end of the line (right), or a red minus symbol (wrong) appears as long as the policy is not met.


You can assign administrator rights and roles here. The following administrator types exist. Each has certain rights depending on the role.

black System administrator

May manage the entire system without restrictions.

white Sub-administrator

Can only carry out certain tasks.

The location must have been added first in User Management. If this has already been done, a location can be assigned to a user in different ways:

User administrator - Individual selection:

Select the location you want to assign and click the individual arrow pointing to the left. Clicking on the “individual arrow” pointing to the right will de-select the selected location.

User administrator - Complete selection:

All locations can be assigned by clicking the double arrow pointing to the left. Clicking on the double arrow pointing to the right will de-select all assigned locations.





Data protection official

Can manage the Analytics settings. [1]

Analytics > Settings

Analytics administrator

Can view the Analytics settings and manage the Analytics groups. [2]

Analytics > Settings

Analytics > Groups

User management of the assigned location

Team administrators

Can manage monitoring and workgroups, e.g. for the Team Panel



Can manage messages and auto attendants. [3]

System settings > UM > Voicemail > Greetings

System settings > UM > Voicemail > Auto Attendants

User management of the assigned location

Connector administrator

Can manage and run the connectors. [4]

System settings -> Connectors

User management of the assigned location

Dashboard designer

Can use the Dashboard Designer. [5]

System settings > Dashboard

User management of the assigned location


You can delete an administrator by marking the respective entry or selecting it via checkbox. Then click on Delete in the header and confirm this. If you want to delete several administrators at the same time, select the corresponding checkboxes of the entries and click on Delete in the header. If you then confirm this, the selected administrators will be removed.


The main administrators with the name Administrator and the description Administrator of the XPhone Connect Server cannot be deleted.

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