Managing settings

This chapter describes settings that can be made for a location / configuration group.

You can find functions and settings for each location in the Settings tab. You can activate and deactivate functions centrally for every location. Settings are always available. When clicking Options > Edit location, functions can be activated or deactivated later. This also applies for the assigned configuration groups. If a function was deactivated centrally for a location, this function is also not available in the configuration group. Deactivating a function also blocks the licenses for the corresponding feature. This will release licenses that may have been assigned by accident.

If different settings and licenses are to be used for one location, you can create subordinate configuration groups with User management > Location. Click: Options > Create new configuration group. You can find further information in Create new configuration group.


When settings are changed, it may take a few minutes until these changes are available on the XPhone Connect Client. In general, all changes are applied without restarting the client. Restarting the client shortly after changing settings on the server does not accelerate the transfer of the settings from the server to the client.

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