Password policy

This chapter describes the settings you can make for the password policy for a location.

Password policy

  • No password strength

    You can select any password, or leave the password field blank. Example: 1234

  • Low password strength

    The password must be at least 6 characters long. Example: 225566

  • Medium password strength

    The password must be at least 6 characters long and consist of a combination of letters and other characters. Example: ab12!?

  • High password strength

    The password must be at least 8 characters long, use both upper- and lower-case letters and contain at least two numbers and two special characters. Example: Ab1234!C#

Check the password guidelines

To see which users comply with the password policy, click the link shown. It will take you to the Advanced search. Here you can search for Users that do no comply with their password policy.

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