
Meeting includes the dial-in conference (ad hoc or scheduled), which additionally provides each XPhone user with a group chat and screen sharing.

With web meeting, external participants can take part in chat and screen sharing via a web page published on the Internet. However, external participants must dial into the conference via a telephone.

Dial in conference


  1. Client 1 initiates an AnyDevice call into an XCC conference.

  2. The AnyDevice 1 is called by the XCC.

  3. As soon as the AnyDevice 1 has answered the call, the media is routed to the Conference Room.

  4. Client 3 initiates a softphone call into an XCC conference.

  5. The XCC answers the call and routes the media to the conference room.

  6. An external participant initiates a call into an XCC conference.

  7. The XCC answers the call and routes the media to the conference room.

  8. Client 1 and 3 are signalled the conference as XPhone users.


In order to set AnyDevice and Softphone Desktop into operation, various configuration steps are necessary. The following list will help you with the start-up.

  1. XPhone Call Controller
  2. Create SIP Trunk
    • System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > SIP: Configure a SIP trunk for Meetings.

  3. Configure dial-in numbers in the SIP trunk
    • You can configure multiple conference dial-in numbers for different languages.

  4. Activate the audio conferences
    • Global under System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Meetings (is set by default).

    • In the locations/configuration groups under User management > Location/Configuration group > Telephony > Conference Service > Use Conference Service

  5. Optional configuration
    • Optionally configure chat at: User management > Location/Configuration group > Instant messaging

    • Optionally configure screen sharing under: User management > Location/Configuration group > Collaboration


  1. Configure the dial-in conference
    • WebMeeting is an extension of the dial-in conference, without which Web-Meeting would not work.

  2. Web application
  3. General configuration
    • Navigate to System settings > General > Web-Meeting.

    • Activate the checkbox Activate XPhone Web-Meeting.

    • Configure the URL for access to XPhone Web-Meeting.

  4. Activate Web-Meeting
    • In the locations/configuration groups under User management > Location/Configuration group > Collaboration > Meeting settings > Use XPhone Web Meeting

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