Calendar synchronization
You can find all Outlook or Notes appointments, reminders & XPhone meetings in the XPhone Connect Client > Appointment View > Agenda. The appointments can be opened directly from the client in Outlook or Notes.
In addition, depending on the settings, presence profiles and, if necessary, call forwarding can be activated automatically on the basis of the appointments.
These appointments are transferred to the XPhone Connect Client via calendar synchronization. The following explains how to configure client- and server-side calendar synchronization.
Client-side calendar synchronization
For client-side calendar synchronization with Outlook, proceed as follows:
With the XPhone Connect Client Installation also the Outlook Integration has to be installed.
Calendar synchronization is configured in User management > Location/Configuration group > Presence management in section Settings for calendar synchronisation > Method for calendar synchronization.
Microsoft 365
Please refer to Limits and restrictions of Azure AD service.
For client-side calendar synchronization with Microsoft 365, proceed as follows:
Log in to the Microsoft Azure Portal with an authorized user: (link
The user must have been assigned at least one of the following roles so that the following steps can be carried out:
Application Administrator
Cloud Application Administrator
Global Administrator
Privileged Role Administrator
Application Developer
Search for App registrations.
Click on New registration:
Assign only one name, e.g.
.Please select yourself who may access this API. (Supported account types)
Save the new app by clicking on the Register button.
Make a note of the Application ID.
Make a note of the Directory ID.
Click on the link Add redirect URI
In the next step, select Add Platform and Mobile Device and Desktop Applications.
You will now be offered redirection URIs. Select a redirect URI starting with https (e.g.…).
Complete your configuration by clicking Configure.
Navigate to the API permissions.
Click on Add a permission > Microsoft Graph and configure the following authorizations:
API/authorization name
Full access to the user calendar.
Has full access to user contacts.
Read and write access to user emails
Read and write user mailbox settings
Log in and read user profile
Read basic profiles of all users
In XPhone Web Administration, navigate to System settings > Graph-API > Calendar synchronization.
Create a new application.
Enter the following information:
Displayed name
Application ID (Client)
Directory ID (client)
Calendar synchronization is configured under User management > Location/Configuration group > Presence management in the Settings for calendar synchronisation section.
Select the radio button Synchronization is performed locally by Outlook or Notes client
Activate the checkbox Allow Office 365 synchronization
Select the Graph API application that is registered for Office 365 matching
XPhone Connect users must enter their Office 365 account for calendar synchronization and authorize XPhone to access their Office 365 account.
- The corresponding window opens automatically for XPhone clients.
XPhone requests the following permissions:
Log in the user with the Office 365 account and read their profile.
Read basic profiles of all users.
Full access to the user calendar.
User mailbox settings read and write.
Read and write access to user emails.
Lese- und Schreibzugriff auf Benutzer-E-Mails.
For client-side calendar synchronization with Notes, proceed as follows:
With the XPhone Connect Client Installation also the Notes integration has to be installed.
For more settings, please refer to the chapter: Application integration in HCL Notes.
Calendar synchronization is configured in User management > Location/Configuration group > Presence management in section Settings for calendar synchronisation > Method for calendar synchronization.
Calendar synchronisation on the server side
For server-side calendar synchronization with Microsoft Exchange, proceed as follows:
Configure the XPhone Server and the Exchange Server according to the following instructions:
During server installation, Outlook must be selected as the MAPI interface:
A released Outlook client must be installed on the Windows operating system, of the XPhone server.
Licensing and installation of Outlook Client is done by the customer or the partner.
In Server Manager the service account must be configured with the special MAPI permissions.
Calendar synchronization is configured in User management > Location/Configuration group > Presence management in section Settings for calendar synchronisation > Method for calendar synchronization.
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