Mobile Log

Client Log

There are two ways to activate the logging of the mobile app:

  1. On the login screen, tap the version number at the bottom.

  2. In the app, tap the gear in the top right-hand corner and select Show Diagnostic Options.

You will now be taken to the diagnostic options. To create the logs, activate each category in the Logging area. Then readjust the behaviour. Return to the diagnostic options and tap Send Log Entries and send us the logs along with the event description.

The following information must be included in the operation description:

  • Model / firmware and version of all units involved.

  • XPhone and Mobile App version.

  • How many users are affected?

Server Log

Logging for the Mobile App is configured on the XPhone Connect Server in the Web.config file in the <server installation directory\XPhoneMobile> directory:

LogCategory -> Category: All | ClientServerCommunication | Common
LogCategory -> TraceLevel: Off | Info | Warnung | Error | Verbose
<LogCategory Category="All" TraceLevel="Off" />
<LogCategory Category="ClientServerCommunication" TraceLevel="Off" />
<LogCategory Category="Common" TraceLevel="Off" />

Set the <Enabled> area to true, specify LogFilename and LogFolder (name e.g. XPhoneMobile.svclog and folder C:\Temp\Mobile - enter both without inverted commas between the <> brackets) and set Verbose instead of Off for the categories All, ClientServerCommunication and Common. On the specified log directory, the permission Everyone > Full Access must be set so that the log files can be written. It is not necessary to restart the XPhone Connect Server service. Adjust the behaviour and then send us the generated log files.

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