
Command line

You can reach the command line of the satellite via ssh. You can use a tool called Putty, or the Powershell from Windows. By default, only the XPhone server is authorized to establish the SSH connection to the satellite (all other requests are rejected via firewall).

  • Start the Windows Powershell

  • Enter the following command: ssh root@<IP|hostname>

  • You will be asked for the root password you assigned during setup.

  • Confirm that you trust the fingerprint by typing yes.

Network configuration

The network configuration is actually done via the comand line with satellite-bridge setip. If you want to display the network configuration, enter the following command in the command line:

root@C4BCC12345:~# ip a

Or alternatively:

root@C4BCC12345:~# ifconfig

You can also view the configuration using this command:

root@C4BCC12345:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces.d/ens192

This file is the relevant network configuration described by the comando-line-program with satellite-bridge setip.


With iptables the firewall is configured in the Linux kernel. The configuration does not have to be done manually, this is done by the Satellite Bridge using the XCC and SIP Gateway configuration.

You can, after logging in to the command line, display the iptables with the following command:

root@C4BCC12345:~# iptables -L -v

If the satellite’s iptables have been incorrectly configured, you may need to reset them manually. If the SSH port does not work, you can also connect to the satellite via the console (e.g. via the VM Ware Remote console - VMRC).

There you enter the following commands:

root@C4BCC12345:~# iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
root@C4BCC12345:~# iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
root@C4BCC12345:~# iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
root@C4BCC12345:~# iptables -t nat -F
root@C4BCC12345:~# iptables -t mangle -F
root@C4BCC12345:~# iptables -F
root@C4BCC12345:~# iptables -X

This sets all current iptables to the default value ACCEPT. Now configure your XCC and SIP Gateway accordingly. The SatelliteBridge sets the iptables after each reboot.

stop and start the satellite via the web administration or restart the whole operating system with:

root@C4BCC12345:~# reboot

Wireshark remote traces


Remote traces only work from the XPhone server due to the iptables configuration. No other computer may access the satellite via SSH.

During the Wireshark installation on the XPhone server, the tools Sshdump, Ciscodump, and Wifidump must be selected.


Open the options of SSH remote capture.


Enter the IP address of the satellite and the SSH port 22.


In the Authentication tab, enter the user root and the corresponding password.


In the Capture tab, enter the Remote interface and the Remote capture command.

You can determine the Remote interface via the command line using ifconfig or ip a, the path to tcpdump with which tcpdump.


Save your settings and start the remote trace via the shark fin.

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