XCC and SIP gateway Log


For the Wireshark trace, as of V8.0.191 SR1, set the correct Ethernet Adapter and LoopBack Adapter in the SIP gateway, which will then be created automatically.


Please check the network interfaces and save (!) the SIP gateway again (this does not restart it, so it can be done during operation) so that the correct adapters are saved in the database.

For earlier versions, the Wireshark can also be created by hand. If a Wireshark trace with unfiltered language packets is required, this is mandatory. Read our KB article on this.

  1. Then navigate in the Web Administration to System settings > Logging > Telephony gateways.

  2. Set the log level from the gateways XCC and the corresponding SIP gateway to debug messages.

  3. After activating the logging in the admin interface as well as the Wireshark trace, please readjust the behaviour.

For a detailed description of the scenario, please answer the following questions:

  • Who has

    • When

    • Who (external, internal (which device), number…)

    • How (which devices were in play -> AnyDevice (which incl. number), Softphone, CTI)


  • How does the problematic behaviour show itself?

  • Is this behaviour sporadic or 100% reproducible?

After reproducing the behaviour, you can stop the Wireshark trace via the red square in the upper left corner if it was activated manually. Then save the Wireshark trace via File > Save as….


To ensure that the log files of the XCC and SIP gateway are really complete, you must set the log level back to Off under System settings > Logging > Telephony gateways.

You can download the most recent log files by marking the corresponding gateway and clicking on the Show log files button in the upper area. A new window opens. There click the button Download… > Download only the most recent log files of the current day > Download log files & diagnostic files. Repeat this for the other gateway.

If you have downloaded everything correctly, you should find the following files:

  • XPhoneConnect_PBXTrace_XCC_*date*.zip

  • XPhoneConnect_PBXTrace_*name-sip-gateway*_*date*.zip

  • Wireshark trace (only relevant if created by hand)

Then send us the two .zip files as well as the manually created Wireshark trace, if applicable, including the detailed description of the process with the involved phone numbers, times and call history.

Have you found a mistake on this page?

Or is something not formulated well or too vague? Then we look forward to receiving an e-mail, preferably with a suggestion for improvement, to doku@c4b.de. Thank you very much!