TeamDesk group selection
Call destination TeamDesk hotline or direct calls
Function buttons:
Call volume
Caller (all, internal, external)
Restriction to calls outside / within business hours
Select period / set comparison
File export of the Analytics data
Call evaluation
Rasterization of the timeline
Colour index & button for fading in/out the measured value
.Mouseover window with details
Hotline settings (data protection, call distribution with marked “changed distribution strategy”)
Key figures conversations
- Total calls
Sum of missed, answered and made calls (Outgoing only for direct calls)
- Calls missed, answered and going (Outgoing only for direct calls)
Number of calls in each category
- Service level (hotline calls only)
Service level reached: e.g. 70% of the calls were successfully accepted within 20 seconds. The formula for calculating the service level: Service Level = (Calls answered within 20s * 100) / Total calls
- Ø call duration
Average call duration in minutes.
- Ø Waiting time / response time
Average waiting or response time in seconds.
Select period / set comparison
Select period
You can choose between the following period defaults:
user defined
Therefor select your own time period.
this calendar week
last calendar week
last 4 weeks
If you want to specify your own period from - to:
Just enter the desired date in the date field
or click on the calendar icon and select a date
The period changes automatically to user defined
Compare with
The Compare with function allows you to compare current values, with values from the past. You can choose from the following defaults:
- user defined
Select your own time period for the comparison.
- previous period
The values are filled in automatically, depending on the previously selected period. For example, if you select the period “this calendar week”, the previous calendar week is automatically entered in “Compare with”.
- previous year
The values are filled in automatically, depending on the previously selected period. For example, if you select the period “this calendar week”, the calendar week of the previous year is automatically entered in “Compare with”.
The measured variables of the comparison values (Missed, Accepted) are each displayed in a different color as an area or line chart (see section: Color index & button for showing/hiding the measured variable).
Function switch overview
Call volume
Displayed in the form of an area chart. This chart allows you to view trends over a period of time (hours, days, weeks or months). The chart represents the entire TeamDesk group.
The overview shows the breakdown of call volume into metrics in color:
Measured variable |
Color |
Missed |
Accepted |
Outgoing (direct calls only) |
Each measured variable can be shown or hidden by clicking on it. If you move the mouse pointer over the diagram, details (sum of calls: Missed + Accepted) will be displayed.
In these area diagrams, the individual values (depending on the grid) are connected with each other. For example, if the grid is set to Day and you point the mouse pointer at a Sunday, you may see a rising line in the direction of Monday. This does not mean that a call has already been made on Monday at 2 o’clock. If you want to see the exact times here, set the grid to hour. To make it clearer, it can then be helpful to shorten the period.
The comparison period is set as a line chart of the call volume:
Effects of, for example, a changed hotline call distribution strategy become more visible by showing markers over time. Times at which the call distribution strategy was changed or at which the data protection setting for the team was adjusted are displayed in the diagram - a mouseover on the marker then shows the details of the change:
Function switch Accessibility
The accessibility of the hotline or group is displayed in the form of a pie chart of the proportions. If you move the mouse pointer over the diagram, the respective number of calls of the TeamDesk group in the selected period is also displayed.The overview shows the distribution of TeamDesk hotline accessibility in the measured variables in color:
Measured variable |
Color |
Missed in percent |
Accepted (within or after more than 20 seconds) in percent |
Response times
The response time to Direct calls to team members is displayed in the form of a bar chart. The overview shows in color the response times of the selected TeamDesk group, depending on the set time period. The measurement of incoming calls starts as soon as the team member’s phone rings. The measurement ends when the call is answered. Answered calls are divided into six measurement types:
Within 10s
11s – 20s
21s – 30s
31s – 60s
Over 60s
If you move the mouse pointer over the bars, the sum of the “accepted calls” is displayed to match the measured variable (number of calls and percentage).
Since hotline calls are initially answered directly by the system and transferred to the queue if necessary, the waiting times until the caller hangs up are listed for these missed calls.
Function switch Call volume
The Call volume page provides various views of the weekly and daily call activity of the TeamDesk group. These color codes are assigned to the calls:
Measured variable |
Color |
Missed |
Accepted |
Outgoing (direct calls only) |
Missed calls in the weekly calendar
At what times are most calls missed? Do shift or break times need to be rescheduled, or do more team members need to be assigned to the hotline on certain days? These and similar questions may arise when evaluating the TeamDesk group’s missed calls.
Call volume over the course of the week
Here you can see the day of the week with the highest average call volume. The bar chart shows the average call volume of the selected TeamDesk group in weekdays. If you move the mouse cursor over the chart, details (sum of calls: Missed + Accepted + Outgoing) will be displayed. The average is calculated as follows:
Average = Total calls per day / Number of days
For more details on call volume, see the table below.
Call volume over the course of the day
Here you can see the time of day with the highest average call volume. The bar chart represents the average call volume of the selected TeamDesk group in times of day. If you hover the mouse cursor over the chart, you will see details (sum of calls on average: Missed + Accepted + Going). The average is calculated as follows:
Average = Total calls per hour / Number of hours
For more details on call volume, see the table below.
Detailed view of the call volume
Click Call volume details below to get a configurable list of all direct calls of the TeamDesk group in the selected period. The list can be sorted by clicking on the column headers and filtered with configurable criteria.
Function switch employees
Call volume by employee
The bar chart represents each member of a TeamDesk group for direct calls. The employee with the highest call volume (sum of missed, answered and outgoing calls) is displayed at the top. The overview shows the breakdown of the call volume into metrics by color:
Measured variable |
Color |
Missed |
Accepted |
Outgoing (direct calls only) |
If you move the mouse pointer over the diagram, you will see details (sum of calls: Missed + Accepted + Outgoing). For more details, see the table below.
Call duration by employee
The bar chart represents each individual employee in a TeamDesk group. The employee with the highest call duration (sum of accepted and outgoing calls in minutes) is displayed at the top. The overview shows the breakdown of the call duration into the measured variables in color:
Measured variable |
Color |
Accepted |
Outgoing (direct calls only) |
If you move the mouse pointer over the diagram, details (sum of calls: Accepted + Outgoing) are displayed. For more details, see the table below.
Detail view of the employees
Click Employee details below to get a configurable list of all direct calls of the TeamDesk group in the selected period. The list can be sorted by clicking on the column headers and filtered with configurable criteria.
Depending on the data protection setting on the XPhone Connect Server, the entire Employees area may not be present or employee names may have been replaced with the word Employees.
Hotline calls
If the view is set to Hotline calls, then information about the call answering by the hotline staff is displayed (missed + answered calls), also the availability of the staff (ready, on call, follow-up) and the average call history of each staff member.
The date selection at the current view has no effect on the export. The selection of the time period for the export appears in the export dialog. Also the type of view (hotline or direct calls does not restrict the export - in the exported Excel spreadsheet there are spreadsheets for the group and the employees - each for direct calls and hotline calls.
Click the File Export button to select the time period for export.
Now select a predefined period (e.g. last month) or enter your own.
Select the TeamDesk groups for export.
Click Apply to preview the export or Cancel to stop the export.
The export file (XLSX) is placed in the user’s download folder.