Analytics is used to record telephone calls made by your employees. These are both classic CTI phone calls and calls made via AnyDevice at the workplace or mobile.
For faster evaluation, the telephone calls are assigned to the categories Accepted, Missed and Outbound (Going only for direct calls). Different forwarding scenarios are taken into account and assigned accordingly to these categories.
- How are AnyDevice calls analysed?
Just like a normal office call.
- Are calls to a team’s hotline counted as direct calls to team members?
No, the calls to the hotline are evaluated separately. Therefore, an important configuration element in the Analytics views is the toggle Hotline Calls / Direct Calls.
- How are CTI conference calls counted?
CTI conference calls can not be identified. Each call is counted as an individual phone call (not as an overall conference call).
- How are XPhone Connect dial-in conferences (meetings) counted?
This dial-in is recorded as an outgoing call in the direct calls.
- How are repeatedly missed calls counted which are shown in XPhone Connect as a journal entry (e.g. with “4” indicating 4 tries)?
These calls are counted each time (4x in this example).
- Are missed calls counted if the hotline is not staffed at all?
Calls outside the business hours of a hotline are also recorded. Each Analytics view therefore also contains a choice that can be used to filter the currently evaluated calls:
Calls within business hours
Calls outside business hours
All calls
- How are calls recorded by XPhone Connect Mobile Device?
Calls are analysed as normal office calls.
- How are calls analysed which go to voicemail (Scenario 1: Direct transfer to voicemail, Scenario 2: Forwarding by time or mouse-click)?
Calls which are accepted by voicemail are allocated to the “Missed” category by Analytics.
Scenario 1: Calls are counted as “Missed”.
Scenario 2: Calls are counted as “Missed”.
- How are transferred calls (e.g. internal, to mobile phone or similar) analysed?
Calls are analysed regardless of forwarding:
if your own line was connected: Accepted.
if your own line was not connected: Missed.
- Can I evaluate the external accessibility of the hotline?
You can see the availability of the TeamDesk hotline in the Reachability tab. Calls to the hotline are listed for
Missed calls
Accepted after waiting more than 20 seconds
Assumed within 20 seconds waiting time (service level)
Each call is counted only once.
- Do I still see the accessibility of individual members of the team?
Yes, both for direct calls to the employee and for calls to the hotline that are transferred to the employee. You can see the answering and calling behavior of individual team members (anonymized depending on the setting) in the Employees tab.
- Are the evaluations still correct if, for example, the call distribution strategy changes?
If you change the distribution strategy of a hotline (e.g., from Group call to Cyclic), then this change is highlighted by a marker in the of the calls. You can then select comparison periods of the same length with different distribution strategies, for example, to assess the effect on the team’s accessibility.