
Information on the installation of an XPhone Connect Client. Single installation and installation via software deployment.


  • If you want to use the dashboard, you have to install Webview 2 (Evergreen Bootstrapper) separately on the client machines, because this is not part of the client setup or client MSI file.

  • Parallel installation of XPhone UC 2011 (v4) and XPhone Connect (v5) Clients is not supported by C4B.


Please activate the Printer Queue (Spooler) in Windows Services from Windows 11 onwards if you want to install the XPhone Fax printer driver. Furthermore, you should set the startup type to Automatic. Otherwise, the XPhone Connect Fax printer driver cannot be installed.



Please keep in mind that administrator rights are necessary at the corresponding PC for the local installation at a workstation.

You can find the set-up under \Software\Clients\.

Start the SetupConnect.exe. The setup now appears, you will be guided through the installation process.


If the optional fax printer driver was not installed initially, it cannot be added later via a change installation. In this case, uninstall the XPhone Connect Client and reinstall it including the printer driver.

Setup via Software deployment system

The XPhone Connect Client setup runs as an MSI setup and can be processed by standard software deployment tools. You can manage all aspects of the installation by modifying the MSI database properties. Since various parameters can also be set using call parameters, a batch file can be used to manage the installation.


Because of the server functions for central administration, no separate settings are required for the specific workstations.

The following table describes all available command line parameters:



ALLUSERS=<1 or 0>

If this value is 1, XPhone Connect is installed for all computer users. If 0 is contained here, the installation is for the current user only. This affects the entries in the start menu and registration of Outlook AddOns.


List of host names or IP addresses of the XPhone Connect Server; separated by a semicolon.


If another port other than the default port (port: 2230) is used, it must also be specified.


Options for execution

/q = “quiet” installation, all dialogs are suppressed.

/qb = “quiet basic” installation, dialogs are partly suppressed.

/qn = Suppresses message about missing client during update installation (see below).


The following command line installs XPhone Connect for all users on the computer and configures the XPhone Connect Server address: The default port is also changed: Msiexec /i "XPhone Connect Client.msi" /qb ALLUSERS=1 C4BATLASIP=

You can also change MSI database properties. You should use this method if you wish to show or hide setup features (e.g. integration in Outlook or Notes, see screenshot below and information on installation of the update) or use Active Directory group policies to install the software. The requisite programme TweakMsi.exe can be found in the same folder as the XPhone Connect Server’s setup files (see also Distribution via an adapted setup with Distribution via an adapted setup with Tweak-MSI for configuring the Client setup for automatically determining the server).

XPhone Connect Client can be installed on the target computer for distribution to all users or only for the current user; error messages during installation can be suppressed.

The list of preferred XPhone Connect Servers (see C4BATLASIP above) an also be used exclusively. Do this by activating the Use only specified list of server URIs option. Other servers are then ignored when establishing the respective server.



  • The Publish provision method for software distribution via group guidelines is not supported by the XPhone Connect Client setup. Use the Assign provision method instead.

  • Please note that the fax printer driver must be distributed via a separate MSI package. Do this by using the XPhone Connect Fax Printer.msi which can be found in the FaxPrinterDriver folder.

Update installation via MSI


The MSI package cannot be opened by a user. Setup.exe must be used. Only the software deployment tool can open the MSI directly.

When executing an installation via MSI, please note that a direct call of the MSI file is analogous to the installation via Control Panel/Software, i.e. no update is carried out, but only a change of the existing installation is possible.

Calling Setup.exe or calling the MSI file with the parameters REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=voums performs the update or a new installation with the default settings. It is not possible to specify further parameters; this may even lead to errors. If an update is carried out, the existing installation scope is updated, i.e. it is not possible to add or remove installation features.

If you use a software deployment that uses the same call for updates and new installations, you must prepare the MSI package so that the scope of installation you require is the default for new installations.

The scope of installation and also parameters can only be set during a new installation.


Learn how to change the ServerUri here.

If a change is desired, the application must first be uninstalled. This is done, for example, via Msiexec /x <Arg> where <Arg> is either the MSI file or the product code:

  • Server: {E3054E96-020F-4D18-A798-07D60262F7B7}

  • XPhone Connect Client: {627FC02C-9C0D-4A4D-824D-F0995FB42441}


Msiexec /x "{AB00A952-3335-423D-890B-4BAB1913284C}" /qn deinstalls the XPhone Connect Client if it is installed. /qn, ensures that there is no error message if the XPhone Connect Client is not installed.


If you want to upgrade the client, the old client must first be uninstalled.

Determine the XPhone Connect Server automatically

Determine the XPhone Connect Server automatically

To avoid the effort of entering the respective server name on individual computers running an XPhone Connect Client, an attempt is made to determine the server automatically.

The first time the XPhone Connect Client is started, the integrierten Windowsanmeldung is used to try and login all XPhone Connect Servers found. If login is successful, this server is saved and used in future.

The following possibilities are available for locating the server:

Service connection point in the AD

The Active Directory (AD) provides an option via the Service Connection Point for saving information on the services running there by entering it in the AD under the corresponding host computer. The XPhone Connect Server also makes this information available in the AD. Client computers searching for an XPhone Connect Server can find them via an LDAP query in the AD.

Requirement or using the Service Connection Point: the XPhone Connect Server has been successfully registered in the AD via the Service Manager. This requires registration by an AD administrator. Furthermore, the Client must have read access to the AD which is generally the case for AD users.

Further information:

Determining via UDP

Another way of finding the XPhone Connect Server service is by querying via UDP using the WS Discovery protocol. The Client searching for an XPhone Connect Server sends a broadcast via UDP. Running XPhone Connect Servers receive this broadcast and answer via UDP with their server names. The UDP port 3702 is used here without it being claimed exclusively.

Requirement: This variant is only possible in the local network provided that UDP Port 3702 and in particular UDP Multicast messages are not blocked (e.g. port blocked in a firewall or exclusive use of the port by another application).

Further information:

Distribution via an adapted setup with Tweak-MSI

As an alternative, the server name and server port can also be saved directly in the installation file. If this option is requested, please start the TweakMsi.exe programme which is located in the same folder as the XPhone Connect Client. Please complete the C4BATLASIP and C4BATLASPORT fields if necessary; save and then distribute the setup to the Client computers.

In order to permit automatic login by the Clients at a server, please ensure that both options under Login & publication are selected at the System settings -> General server.

Change XPhone Connect Server Uri

If the IP address or the computer name of the XPhone Connect server changes, the clients would no longer connect to the server afterwards (unless Automatic server discovery <inst-client-derterm-auto> has been configured).


The problem cannot be solved with the TweakMSI tool and subsequent uninstallation and reinstallation. The MSITweak tool only works for new installations. If the user has never been logged on to the XPhone server. In all other cases, the logon information remains in the registry even if the client is uninstalled.

Login Script

The last successful login is in the HKCU registry:


The relevant key is ServerUri. If you change this key to a new value - e.g. via login script for each user - the Connect Client logs on to the new XPhone server the next time it is started.

Microsoft Active Setup

An alternative approach is to use the Microsoft Active Setup architecture. This allows an HKLM registry entry to be stored on a machine that manipulates its HKCU registry the next time a Windows user logs on.

The HKLM entry could look like this:


The next time a user logs on, the value v9server would be transferred to the desired location in the HKCU Registry. Windows remembers (by means of the version designation) whether the entry has already been transferred and therefore does not do this again with every logon! You can therefore change your HKCU entry later without it being overwritten every time you log on to Windows. This is what the REG file looks like with which you can create the HKLM entry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\XPhoneServerUri]
@="XPhone Connect Server Uri"
"StubPath"="reg add HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\C4B\\UCSingleSignOn /v ServerUri /t REG_SZ /d v9server /f"

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