Mitel 400


System requirements

All statements and descriptions extending over and beyond the CSTA interface and affecting the telephone system are based on experience and discoveries made with the Mitel 470.

License requirements

A CSTA session is a monitor point, i.e. a line! At least one CSTA session must be available to connect the XPhone Connect Server with the PBX via CSTA. A maximum of four “XPhone Connect Server PBX” connections are possible:


XPhone Connect Server

Supported from XPhone Connect Server V5.0

Configuring the PBX

Under Configuration > IP network > CSTA service, the CSTA service active checkbox must be activated. The port for CSTA service 7001 is also displayed as the default port on the XPhone Connect Server administration page.


The port is programmed as 7001 by default and relates to the port for the CSTA service configured on Mitel 400. The user name and password are based on a user with administrator rights configured on the Mitel 400 and are required for CSTA registration.


The names of the users and PISN users must not contain any umlaut.

Under Configuration > Users > User list, the User name must be indicated without umlaut.


Under Configuration > Private networking > PISN users, the PISN user name must be indicated without umlaut.

XPhone Connect configuration

Go to the Web Administration of the XPhone Connect Server:

System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > CTI

Click new landline gateway in the table header. The Create new landline gateway dialogue opens:

PBX type:

Select Mitel400.


Enter a unique name here.

Dialling parameter:

Select a dialling parameter.


Set this flag if this gateway is to be pre-configured but not activated.

Connection to the PBX:

Enter the host name or the IP address of the telephone system here. The port information refers to the configured port for the CSTA service (default:) 7001).

Access parameters:

Login name & password correspond to a Aastra 400 user. The users needs administrator rights and is required for the CSTA registration.

System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > CTI > New Landline gateway


When the configuration is completed, click Save.


You can find information on diagnostics here.

XPhone Connect Line configuration

System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > Lines

The corresponding lines and users must be set up and configured in the XPhone Connect Server.

OneNumber (assisted dial)

In certain ISDN constellations the number of the called external participant may be withheld when the call is accepted. In this scenario, this could cause the assisted dial to be aborted. In this case, the value 528 can be set for the name AssistedDialFlags in the Advanced settings of the line. Due to this setting, the missing number is no longer checked and assisted dial should work.


According to Mitel, SIP end devices, e.g. softphones, are only supported rudimentarily (dialling and hanging up) via the mitel CSTA interface. SIP end devices were not tested by C4B for XPhone Connect and are not approved.

Advanced settings for PBX nodes

Advanced settings are optional and only required in special cases. If desired or required by your company structure, you can use Add to specify the following additional parameters:





Lines are verified before creation; i.e. invalid phone numbers are filtered. Type: Numerical decimal or hexadecimal (starts with 0x) value

0: off

1: On (default)

When the configuration is completed click Apply and then Save to save the settings.

Parameter sets for lines (advanced settings) PBX nodes

The parameter sets for lines are optional and only required in particular cases. If desired or required by your company structure, you can specify additional parameters.Parameter: To do this, click on the tab Parameter sets for lines (advanced settings) and click Add. Assign a Name and a Description and click Add again to define a parameter. The following parameters are available:





Computer name for use in dynamic line allocation.

Type: 1…N values separated by commas

0: off

1 = On


Enable agent features (logon/logoff to ACD, agent status) on the line.

Note: The telephone system must support the feature. The system load of the telephone system is increased after activation. Type: Text

0: off

1 = On


Settings reserved for product support Type: Numerical decimal or hexadecimal (starts with 0x) value

When the configuration is completed, click Apply to apply the parameters and click Apply again and then Save to save the settings.

Known limitations

  • Beim Empfänger des weitergeleiteten Anrufs ist es nicht ersichtlich, dass der Anruf weitergeleitet wurde.

  • Do not Disturb ist bei der Mitel 400 nicht verfügbar.

  • Mitel Twinning Funktion wird nicht unterstützt.


XCAPI configuration

Apart from the XCAPI default configuration and the XCAPI documentation for Aastra 400, G.711 A-Law must also be selected in XCAPI configuration > CAPI 2.0 Options > Options > G.711 G.711 A-Law.

Configuring the PBX

  1. First, set up a new SIP node. This has nothing to do with a possible XCC connection and must be set up separately.


  2. Detailed settings for the SIP trunk:


  3. Settings for the bundle:


  4. Bundle details:


  5. Now customize the extension plan for XCAPI:



  6. Details of the XCAPI number:


  7. Licensing of the SIP Trunk:


XPhone Connect configuration

If the telephone system signals the external caller’s number in E164 format and NUMBERTYPE=INTERNATIONAL, then no special settings need to be made.

If the PBX signals the external caller’s number in E164 format and the NUMBERTYPE= UNKNOWN, or the PBX signals the internal caller’s number with the local number, then the “Dialing parameters Unified Messaging Gateways…” tool must be started via the XPhone Connect Server Manager and a filter set in each case.

Example 1

The telephone system signals the external caller as follows:

17. 5.2013 11:49:23:064 PA CCAPI dhigh: Number '49898912345678' signalled as NUMBERTYPE=UNKNOWN, NUMBERINGPLAN=ISDN_E164

In this case, the number must be adjusted

  • Map From: ^(\0)(.+)$

  • Map To: +\2


Example 2

The telephone system signals the internal caller as follows:

17. 5.2013 11:59:07:905 PA CCAPI dhigh: Number '78' signalled as NUMBERTYPE=UNKNOWN, NUMBERINGPLAN=ISDN_E164

Here nothing is to be adjusted.

Example 3

The telephone system signals the internal caller with the local area code e.g. 8912345678:

17. 5.2013 11:59:07:905 PA CCAPI dhigh: Number '8912345678' signalled as NUMBERTYPE=UNKNOWN, NUMBERINGPLAN=ISDN_E164

Example for Munich, Germany. In this case, the number must be converted as follows (example for two-digit extensions 089/89123456-XX):

  • Map From: ^(\8912345)([0-9][0-9])$

  • Map To: +498989123456\2



The MWI is currently limited to Aastra 400 not being able to analyse the header in SIP Notify yet. Therefore, the MWI message always incorrectly directs to the internal Aastra 400 voicemail box.


  1. First, set up a new SIP node. This has nothing to do with a possible XCC connection and must be set up separately:


  2. SIP trunk settings:


  3. Settings for the bundle:


  4. Bundle details:


  5. Adaptation of the direct dialing plan:


    Please note that the selected transit route has exchange access.


  6. Details on the phone number of the XCC:


  7. Add call forwarding info for XCC:


  8. Licensing of the SIP Trunk:


Known limitations


It is not possible to dial into the conference service with an AnyDevice, the malfunction is caused by the telephone system.


As soon as an external AnyDevice occurs in the call scenario, the phone number is signaled incorrectly, the regular phone number appears instead of the employee’s extension. The malfunction is caused by the telephone system.

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