DeutschlandLAN Cloud PBX

XPhone Connect configuration

Go to the Web Administration of the XPhone Connect Server:

System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > CTI

Click new landline gateway in the table header. The Create new landline gateway dialogue opens:


Enter a unique name here.

PBX type:

Select DeutschlandLAN Cloud PBX.

Dialling parameter:

Select a dialing parameter from Dialing parameter configuration information (see later in this chapter).


Set this flag if this gateway is to be pre-configured but not activated.

Access parameters:

Enter the user name and the password of a user from the MyPortal-Unternehmen here.


The user whose data is used here for the access parameters cannot be the Business Service Portal Administrator/Sub-Administrator and should not be used productively. It only serves towards authentication of the monitoring access to the Cloud PBX. Theoretically, this user can be used on several servers. There is no known restriction of the number of parallel sessions of the interface per user.


If this dedicated Cloud PBX user’s password is changed, subsequent connection of the Cloud PBX will no longer work.

Proxy settings

The proxy settings can be called up and configured direcly via the link in the settings of the landline gateway. If the connection test is successful, this is indicated by a green check beside the Test connection button. If the connection data is incorrect, a corresponding system message will appear in the top section of the website.

System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > CTI > New Landline gateway


When the configuration is completed, click Save.


Info on the topic of diagnosis can be found CTI gateway (landline gateway)

XPhone Connect Line configuration

System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > Lines

The corresponding lines and users must be set up and configured in the XPhone Connect Server.

Dialling parameter configuration

Internal phone number length

The configuration of the dialling parameter depends on the phone number plan for the Cloud PBX. This is indicated in the phone number and internal phone number of a workstation. The internal phone number length is derived from the longest phone number.


Example for the phone number +49(89)887766-xxx(x) with extensions 771, 7770, 7701 -means the internel phone number length is 4.

Prefix for external line

Unlike in normal cases, no external code needs to be used for Cloud PBX. Therefore, the preallocated default 0 for an external line must be deleted in the dialling parameter settings of the XPhone Server.

Advanced settings

In the XPhone Connect Server, this requires setting the special Flags=16 parameter in the Advanced settings. The screenshot below would be for the phone number, for example


Advanced configuration - Voicemail

In order to use call forwarding to voicemail at the client and within presence profiles, an additional configuration is required.

The use of voicemail forwarding is activated by default in the lines (line parameter BSVoiceMailNumber=*86 is not blank), i.e. the number *86 serves as a voicemail number as it is also used on the end device for dialling into the voicemail voice menu.



For the full features of forwarding to voicemail, it is necessary for the user to authenticate his line. The status of voicemail forwarding is not accessible via monitoring alone and needs to be queried. Active calls require the user login for the workstation.

If no XPhone Connect voicemail is set up in the system (not applicable for Cloud PBX), there is no voicemail number in the user data. This can be changed via the following special parameters in the advanced settings for the Connect Client at the respective location:






Sets the value for the voicemail number in the user data.

Voicemail number (*86)

In mixed operation with XPhone Connect UM, it may be necessary to also set the following parameter. This is the case if there are Cloud PBX users at a location (or in a configuration group) for whom other voicemail settings are active:





Uses Telephony.VoiceMailNumber even when XPhone Voicemail is active for the user and therefore an existing voicemail number needs to be overwritten in the user profile.



The setting for forwarding to voicemail is shown in the XPhone Connect Client synchronous to the setting in the portal or feature code.

Cloud PBX authentication

The users’ MyPortal credentials are persisted in the user data of the XPhone Connect server. In the event of incorrect authentication, a maximum of 3 implicit attempts are made to log in (restarting the server, restarting the PBX, restarting the line). If a user no longer has a Cloud PBX line, the login data is also deleted / reset.

Use at the XPhone Connect Client

When starting the XPhone Connect Client for the first time, the users are asked to enter their Cloud PBX credentials. The same login data is required as for logging in to the Cloud PBX MyPortal. Via the Reset password link in the dialogue, the start page for the Cloud PBX portal can be opened where settings can be changed if necessary.


Requirements, restrictions and special features


The XPhone Connect administrator avails of access data for a dedicated Cloud PBX user with a phone number but which is not used productively. This is required for the role of authenticating monitoring access to the Cloud PBX, i.e. as access data in the PBX gateway of the XPhone Connect Server. Internet access is also required.

All potential Cloud PBX XPhone users have their own access data for the Telekom MyPortal.


Theoretically, this user can be used on several servers. There is no known restriction of the number of parallel sessions per user.


What is important, however, is that the password is not changed for this Cloud PBX account as that would mean that no Cloud PBX line in the XPhone Connect would be functional anymore.

Special cases and special features

In contrast to forwarding to other phone numbers, forwarding to voicemail (*86) in the Cloud PBX end devices is not shown. This is independent of whether forwarding has been set via XPhone, MyPortal or the end device using Feature Code. This forwarding is, however, detectable via XPhone:


Exact forwarding with forwarding destination (dependent on the respective rights) is also detectable for coworkers via the presence information in the XPhone Client contact list:


Additionally, the XPhone Connect Client shows in both the journal and in the active call that a call went through to the voicemail box.




Call forwarding to voicemail which was set via XPhone can also be activated or deactivated at the end device via the following feature codes at the end device:

  • Activate: *21

  • Deactivate: #21

Distinction between Do Not Disturb / Reject / Forward to VM

All forwarding scenarios are dependent on the individual configuration of call forwarding and/or selective call forwarding in the Cloud PBX MyPortal or the desktop / mobile apps. Depending on this configuration, call forarding to voicemail or busy tones may be active.


In connection with the MagentaEINS Business Integration, it is possible to pick up and continue active calls from an end device (e.g. Workstation) at another mobile phone without interrupting. Do this using the Pick up call button at the end device or via the feature code 78811 on the mobile phone.

During an active call, XPhone Connect offers the user the To another device feature in the advanced Call Control Menu (…).


This leads to a handover of the call where possible. Analogue to the Cloud PBX end devices, this feature is always available in the interface, regardless of whether the user actually has another device to which the handover would be possible.

Remote office

The Cloud PBX Remote office feature permits configuration of another phone number at which all inbound calls by the Cloud PBX connection are signalled instead of the end device. Using XPhone, the corresponding CTI features such as Dial, Drop, Hold, Unhold, Transfer, Consult, Conference can be controlled here.

As Pick up call at the end device is not supported in this scenario, it is not possible via XPhone either.

Parallel ringing

The Cloud PBX Parallel ringing feature permits configuration of another phone number at which all inbound calls by the Cloud PBX connection are also signalled. XPhone recognises these calls and signals then even if they have been picked up at a non-Cloud PBX device.


General limitations

If calls are initiated via XPhone, the display in the end device is not updated to the Connected ID but rather the Cloud PBX number remains in place.

This means that it may not be possible to use the phone properly as an end device during swap hold. There are no restrictions in this regard when using XPhone Connect.

After the call, the journals are updated correctly to the number called, at least in the Yealink end devices. At the iPhone in combination with MagentaEINS Business Integration, this was not the case.

These restrictions concerning click-to-dial and other restrictions are outlined in detail in this link. CPBX online help


Caller info is not signalled via 78811 at the mobile phone (pick up call feature code). The feature code stays in place here in the end device. If the To another device feature is used in XPhone, only the Cloud PBX number is signalled here, not the call partner’s number.


Forwarding to voicemail set via the Cloud PBX Desktop Client (via Settings -> Voicemail box -> Call forwarding immediately to voicemail box) is currently not detectable in the XPhone Client.

Cloud PBX conference bridge

Use of the Cloud PBX conference bridge can currently only be used via the Cloud PBX Desktop Client; XPhone cannot be used for this.

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