Special configuration dialling parameter


This tool is intended for Certified Partners. This explanation does not claim to be complete. More detailed information will be provided to the technicians during the technical product training.


Our CSM web tools have a tool for the automatic generation for dialing parameter special configuration.

The special configuration dialling parameter can be used to test the settings of the different dialling parameters and to make special configurations, which are not possible to configure in the web interface.

To start the special configuration dialling parameters tool, go to Start > Programmes > XPhone Connect Server > XPhone Connect Manager. In XPhone Connect Server Manager, go to Tools > Special configuration dialling parameter.

Dialling parameter

In the Name dropdown menu, you will find all dialling parameters you set up before in the XPhone Connect Server Web Administraton. Select the parameter you wish to test or modify. The default values for phone number, extension etc. appear in the other fields; any configured advanced parameters appear in the table.



Click Test to open the test dialogue. Enter a phone number and check the results table to see whether your settings have the desired results.


  • Number to be dialed:

    • Call number from input or contacts for dialling, forwarding etc. and also for call forwarding!

    • What happens to the entered phone number if, among other things, the DispalyToDailable rule was applied?

  • Number of the PBX system incoming:

    • Number incoming from the pbx system in the context of caller or called party (B party). [1]

    • What happens to the entered number if, among other things, the DefaultPhoneToDisplayFmt, PhoneToDisplay and then the DisplayToDisplay rule were applied?

  • Number of the PBX system outgoing:

    • Number outgoing from the system in the context of caller or called party (B subscriber). [1]

    • What happens to the entered number if, among other things, the DefaultPhoneToDisplayFmt, PhoneToDisplay and then the DisplayToDisplay rule were applied?

  • Line number of PBX system:

    • Number from the system in the context of the line (for outgoing calls the call number of the A subscriber, for incoming calls the number dialled by the B subscriber) may be handled differently during conversion.

    • What happens to the entered number when the DefaultLineToDisplayFmt, LineToDisplay and then the DisplayToDisplay rules are applied?

New Special configuration

Use the New button to define additional parameters. A drop down list in the dialogue shows the parameters that can be configured in the web interface, and some additional parameters.


These settings are designed for very experienced administrators and are usually used by C4B partners and product support.


Short help

The most important rules


Pictorial representation





Modifies the dialled number for outgoing calls. For the match, use the phone number in the shortest possible format, e.g. enter phone numbers of your own local network without area code (exception: Switzerland).




Modifies telephone numbers that are signalled by the PBX system (calling number).




Modifies telephone numbers that do not belong directly to the call partner, e.g. the called number (inbound) or calls for group numbers or hotlines




Modifies all phone numbers. Overwrites: PhoneToDisplay, LineToDisplay and DefaultPhoneToDisplayFmt




Converts external numbers to internal numbers. | Outbound: Dial without a prefix for external line. | Inbound: Signalling of the Internal display. Match input is the international format e.g. 0049…




Converts internal numbers to external numbers. | Outbound: Dialling with a prefix for external line. | Inbound: Signalling of the external display

Regular expression

Regular expression





Initial character




Last character




Placeholder for numbers/characters (e.g. *, +, !, 1, …)




Or: X OR Y OR …




The previous expression repeats zero to n times (infinitely)




The previous expression repeats zero to once




Escape character: enables specification after the following character, e.g. * or +, etc.



Round brackets

Substitution groups


[ ]

Square brackets

Enumerations, e.g. [123] (= 1 or 2 or 3) or ranges, e.g.: [0-9]. A number 0 or 1 or 2 etc.


{ }

Curly brackets

How often the preceding value is repeated e.g. 5{4} = 5555 or [0-9]{3} = a 3-digit number


[ ^ ]

Circumflex in square brackets

The character next to the circumflex is excluded, e.g. [^5] = any character except 5

Examples for the search

Searching syntax



Replacement group 1: 089 and Replacement group 2: 12

^[0-4]$ or ^[01234]$

A digit between 0 and 4

^[248]$ or ^(2|4|8)$

One digit 2 OR 4 OR 8


Start with 123 followed by a digit between 2 and 5

^[^7]$ or ^([0-68-9])$

All characters except 7 or all digits except 7


Any three or four digit number

^5?$ or ^(|5)$

Nothing or 5


3 or 4 digits


12 or 167


34 to 48 (this has to be separated in different parts)


Starts with 38 , then one to infinite amount of numbers

^11[02]$ or ^(110|112)$

110 or 112


Make internal calls across PBX systems.

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These dialling parameters illstrutate an example below in a case of both sides not using the same area code during a call:

  • Location 1: (e.g. Munich)
    • Area code: 089

    • Main phone number: 12345

  • Location 2 (e.g. Hamburg):
    • Area code: 040

    • Main phone number: 98765

  • On both locations:
    • Country code: +49

    • Length of the internal call number: 2 to 3 digits

  1. In the Dialing Parameters Special Configuration tool, select the dialing parameters of the first location under Name.

  2. Click New under Special Configuration / Regular Expressions.

  3. In the Edit Special Configuration window, select DisplayToDialable under Name and define the following values:

    • Value 1: ^(04098765)([0-9]{2,3})$

    • Value 2: i$2


    i = no prefix for external dialing will be used.

  4. In the Dialing Parameters Special Configuration tool, select the dialing parameters of the second location under Name.

  5. Click New under Special Configuration / Regular Expressions.

  6. In the Edit Special Configuration window, select DisplayToDialable under Name and define the following values:

    • Value 1: ^(08912345)([0-9]{2,3})$

    • Value 2: i$2


    i = no prefix for external dialing will be used.

  7. Save the settings

Have you found a mistake on this page?

Or is something not formulated well or too vague? Then we look forward to receiving an e-mail, preferably with a suggestion for improvement, to doku@c4b.de. Thank you very much!