Edit groups
The following elements can be configured in this section:
- Name
Enter a meaningful name. This name will later appear for all TeamDesk members in the XPhone Connect Client.
- Description
You can store internal information about this TeamDesk group in the description field. This description is only visible to Administrators and sub-administrators with the TeamDesk role.
- Call distribution activated for TeamDesk group
This checkbox is used to activate the Hotline so that callers are transferred to the team members via the Distribution strategy. If this checkbox is not activated, team members can only be evaluated with their personal extension number in Analytics (functionality like Analytics in XPhone Connect V8).
- Analytics activated for TeamDesk group
This checkbox activates the recording of call data records (call time, call duration, etc.) of Hotline calls and calls to the personal extension. A Team member with the Analyst role can evaluate these calls via the Analytics website.
- Add
Click on the Add button to add users to this TeamDesk group. Another dialog opens in which you can search for users that have already been created. Select the desired users and add them to the TeamDesk group. You must then assign the user roles by clicking on the checkbox next to the role names.
- Remove
To remove users from the TeamDesk group, select one or more users (multiple selection with the STRG or SHIFT key is possible) and click on the Remove button.
Each role has specific responsibilities within the group:
- Team member:
Team members can view the information in the detailed view of the TeamDesk group in the XPhone Client (Overview, Members, Team leader and Availability area). Team members can take calls from the hotline queue. The Team member role only appears if you have set the Call distribution activated for TeamDesk group checkbox.
- Team leader:
Team leaders can view the information in the detailed view of the TeamDesk group in the XPhone Client (Overview, Members, Team leader and Availability area). Team leaders can assign team members to the hotline for call distribution and change the order of the linear and round robin distribution strategy.
- Analyst:
Analysts are not displayed the TeamDesk group (and also the details) in the XPhone Client. Analysts can view detailed evaluations of the telephony behavior of team members. The telephony behavior of team members is logged in Analytics. Analysts open Analytics from the XPhone Client via the configuration menu.
These roles can be assigned independently to members of the group, i.e. a team leader can simultaneously be a team member and/or an analyst.
Relationship within the group
By default, all members of a group have the relationship Team colleague to each other. Among other things, this allows calls to be taken over quickly in exceptional situations. Team leaders do not represent the role of a superior in a TeamDesk group, which is why the relationship Team colleague is also set up for them by default. If this is not desired in certain cases, the user can adjust the relationship afterwards according to their own requirements.
The Hotline area only appears if the checkbox Call distribution activated for TeamDesk group is activated.
You configure all components of the hotline call in the Hotline:
Callers to the hotline first receive an announcement,
Callers are then placed in a queue and hear music on hold.
The callers are then transferred to the TeamDesk members via configurable distribution strategies.
- Add
If you have not yet added and configured a hotline, click on the Add button. This opens the dialog box Configure hotline.
- Edit
If you have already configured a hotline, select the corresponding entry and click on the Edit button. This opens the dialog box Configure hotline.
- Remove
If you want to delete an already configured hotline, select the corresponding entry and click on the Remove button.
A TeamDesk group can only contain one hotline.
The hotline of a TeamDesk group must also be configured as a dial-in number at a SIP gateway - First create the hotline in the TeamDesk group, save the settings made for the group before leaving this dialog to configure the dial-in number of the hotline at the SIP gateway!
You can find full instructions on how to set it up and the requirements in the Configuration of TeamDesk chapter.
Data recording and display
Please note that company agreements may be required for your company when evaluating statistical data.
Configure the type and scope of data collection for team members’ phone calls:
- Record and show direct calls
Not only hotline calls are recorded and evaluated but also calls conducted directly by the team member.
- Degree of detail in data recorded and shown
Record and show Analytics data in full
Record and show Analytics data with anonymised employee information
Record and show Analytics data without employee information
Have you found a mistake on this page?
Or is something not formulated well or too vague? Then we look forward to receiving an e-mail, preferably with a suggestion for improvement, to doku@c4b.de. Thank you very much!