The Analytics functions of theXPhone Connect Server allow a detailed analysis of the telephone behaviour of your users. You can make settings for this and define who can analyse the lines based on groups.
Meaningful analyses and statistics presentations can be generated for companies with the business intelligence module XPhone Connect Analytics. Based on detailed information and expressive Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the availability of various teams can be analysed and improved. Identification of load peaks permits optimised deployment of personnel. Comparison periods help to quickly detect and graphically present changes.
The statistics module answers numerous questions that are strategically important for business success of customers - for all departments across companies.
How many calls are made (accepted/outgoing)?
How many calls are accepted late or not at all?
How quickly are calls taken on average?
How good is the telephone availability of different teams?
Are there bottlenecks on certain weekdays or at certain times of a day?
Which employees make the most/least phone calls?
Which employees make the longest/shortest calls?
Near live view: What is today’s call volume like?
What effect did changes of personnel have? Are there improvements/declines with respect to the comparison period?
Historic data:
What was last year’s call volume like, e.g. between public holidays?
- Graphic web front for PC, tablet and smartphone
A web site shows the required information using different colours and diagrammes.
- Display of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Total number of different call types
Service level achieved
Average call duration
Average holding time for callers
- Display of diagrammes
Call history
Display based on weekdays
Display based on time of day
- Fully customisable statistics groups
You can configure groups to give team leaders access to statistics for which they are responsible. The group users can also be located in different departments, locations or telephone systems.
- Fully selectable time filters
Using any start and end date, it is possible to filter the statistics values for a defined timer period.
- Fully selectable comparison periods
The selected time period can be selected with any other time period.
- Filter external/internal calls
The statistics results can also be filtered for All calls, External or Internal.
- Complying with data protection regulations
It is possible to configure in settings how high the level of detail of the displayed data is to be (e.g. if data are to be displayed anonymously or if names of employees can be stated) or if an employee analysis is to be conducted at all.
- Own administrator account
It is possible to create a sub-administrator in the XPhone Connect settings. Data protection official authorisation and/or Analytics administrator authorisation can be assigned to this sub-administrator.
The data protection official can manage Analytics settings and the Analytics administrator has additional privileges to manage Analytics groups and to view Analytics settings.
Analytics Settings
Description for installation of on separate machine (“DMZ”): Web applications (Analytics and Mobile)
- Collecting data for XPhone Connect Analytics
As long as this option is activated, statistics data are collected for analysis purposes.
- Activating the XPhone Connect Analytics web portal
As long as this option is activated, group leaders can open the Analytics web portal. The link to the Analytics web portal is shown in the following line.
Data are synchronised every quarter hour, which cannot be changed.
Data protection
The level of detail configured here for evaluating data is used as a template for creating a TeamDesk group and can then be selected individually for each group.
- Show Analytics data in full
With this level of detail, for example, it is possible to relate the call volume directly to employees:
- Show Analytics data with anonymised employee names
With this level of detail, all employee names are replaced by the word Employee:
- Show Analytics data without information on employees:
With this level of detail, it is not possible to relate calls to employees since the Employee button is not available in the XPhone Connect Analytics interface.
- Storage period
Automatically delete data every day which is older than the specified storage period. You can also delete this data manually
Settings at the XPhone Connect Client
Open Analytics with the “Configuration” menu of the XPhone Connect Client
If a user is authorised to view Analytics data, Open Analytics… appears in XPhone Connect Client under the button Configuration. Clicking on it will open the Analytics application. The integrated Windows login is used as much as possible so that the user does not have to log in again.
The URL for opening of the application must comply with certain regulations so that the integrated Windows application works. To avoid that the browser (Internet Explorer) shows a login window, the following factors must be considered:
- If there are dots in the host name, the site must be entered into the list of local Intranet sites in the browser. You can find a description on how Internet Explorer uses the integrated Windows login and about the requirements that must be met for this: Microsoft support article
This setting can be distributed for all users of the domain with AD profiles.
If the host name does not have dots, the DNS settings of the workstation must be configured in such a way that the host name can be converted to an IP address without specifying the domain.
The URL for opening Analytics is generated automatically by the server. It can be changed in the administrator application of the XPhone Connect Server under Analytics > Settings.
A change is also required if the Analytics application is to be run with HTTPS.
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