Name instead of phone number for Follow-me

The Follow-Me function allows a user to be reached under his personal extension (One-Number), regardless of which terminal he is working with at the moment.

For this to work, a call to the workstation phone(which can be reached under the personal call number) must be forwarded to a special call number of the XPhone Call Controller (XCC). This special call number (Follow-Me call number) can be reached via a SIP trunk leading to the XCC.

If a user activates the Follow-Me function, his telephone displays the Follow-Me number as the forwarding destination. This should not normally be known to the user.

For this reason, the Follow-Me function can be routed via a virtual port of the gateway (telephone system). This port is given the display name “Follow-Me” via the PBX configuration and is permanently routed to the Follow-Me call number of the XCC.


However, this only works if the setting Use a single phone number for redirection to the AnyDevice / Softphone device is configured in the SIP Gateway. Using the popular XccGatewayInPrefix will not work with this.


On the XPhone Connect Server, on the corresponding SIP gateway, the phone number of the virtual user “Follow-Me” must be set as the value for “XccGlobalVirtualFollowMeUserNo” in the advanced settings. This parameter allows the intermediate switching of a virtual port for the Follow-Me function so that the forwarding destination can be displayed “speaking”.

System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > SIP > SIP Gateway Objekt > Advanced Settings




<Call number of virtual user>

Furthermore, a virtual subscriber must be configured in the PBX, which has the call number of the parameter. This virtual subscriber can then be given a name, e.g. Follow-Me in the PBX -> This name is then shown in the telephone display. A permanent call diversion to the central Follow-Me number of the XCC must be configured for the virtual subscriber (in the PBX).


If this parameter is set, then the central number of the AnyDevice call forwarding (configured in the SIP gateway) is no longer used for the Follow-Me forwarding, but the call number of the parameter. The virtual subscriber permanently routes to the central AnyDevice call forwarding, which in turn sends the call to the XPhone server via SIP trunk

If the user switches on the Follow-Me function, he/she will see the term To: Follow-Me in the display (depending on the telephone system used). Previously, the display showed a call number unknown to the user.


Other telephone systems on request. If you have already successfully tested this function on another telephone system, we would be pleased to receive your feedback.

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