Advanced settings

When connecting the PBX, advanced settings may be necessary in the SIP Trunk setup for the customer-specific configuration of the PBX. In order to optimally support the connection of the PBX, certain parameters can be adapted for the SIP Trunk.

To do this, open the corresponding SIP trunk under System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > SIP and change to the advanced settings tab. The following parameters can be set to adjust the call number signalling:

  • XccDiversionHeaderFormat

  • XccClipNoScreeningFormat

  • XccFromHeaderAsCLIP

  • XccForceSip180Ringing

  • XccUseLocalIpAsFromDomain

  • ConferenceUseInBandDtmf


XccDiversionHeaderFormat defines in which format the call number of the originally forwarded destination is expected. The default value is always set according to the selected telephone system. If there is a deviation here, the value can be adjusted.


In the default settings the XccDiversionHeader is expected as extension, the telephone system sends this value in the format E.164.

In this case, an adjustment of the XccDiversionHeaderFormat with the value 1 must be made.


For the call number signalling, the call number of the original caller is transmitted in the SIP header with P-Asserted-Identity or Remote-Party ID. If the PBX in use expects the call numbers in one of the formats mentioned below, the corresponding format can be set via the parameter XccClipNoScreeningFormat.

Possible values








International without leading 00 (peculiarity of some Unify systems)


The parameter XccFromHeaderAsCLIP solves the problem that with an AnyDevice FollowMe Call the own call number is shown as caller in the call journal. This can be the case, for example, if the PBX transmits the wrong value in the Remote Party ID or P Asserted Identity header, as is currently the case with OpenScape Business. This display error is corrected on the XPhone Connect Server by using the From header of the first call leg as the CLIP.

In order for the parameter to take effect, the value True must be set for XccFromHeaderAsCLIP at the corresponding SIP gateway.


The parameter XccForceSip180Ringing forces a SIP 180 Ringing to be sent on the Caller Leg for an Inbound AnyDevice call, even if the PBX is working with a Session Progress.

For the parameter to take effect, the value True must be set for XccForceSip180Ringing at the corresponding SIP gateway.


The parameter XccUseLocalIpAsFromDomain fixes the problem that the Alcatel OXE PBX disconnects FollowMe calls from GAP or softphone devices.

For the parameter to take effect, the value True must be set for XccUseLocalIpAsFromDomain at the corresponding SIP gateway.


This parameter causes DTMF tones, which are transmitted in the RTP stream, to be recognised for user login to the conference room. Thus the entry of the conference PIN is recognised and the caller can log in.

For the parameter to take effect, the value True must be set for ConferenceUseInBandDtmf at the corresponding SIP gateway.


Usually applies to any PBX ^[^<]*<(?:tel|sip):([+]?\d+)\D+.*$

It can happen that due to certain configurations of the PBX, the Redirecting ID (SIP DIVERSION header) is transmitted for external in E.164 and for internal as extension. In this case, the following must be done:

  1. Open XPhone Connect configuration

  2. System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > SIP > SIP Gateway Objekt > Advanced Settings

  3. Name: XccDiversionPattern

  4. Value: ^[^<]*<(?:tel|sip):(?:[+]4989123456|)(\d{4})\D+.*$

    • 4989123456 must be replaced by the corresponding call number, but without extension. If the call number starts with 00, [+] must be replaced with 00.

    • 4 must be replaced by the corresponding call number length of the internal extensions. The 4 here stands for four-digit extensions. If the extension lengths are different, {4} must be replaced by +.


This parameter is required if the redirect/deflect function is executed via call control interface (e.g. TAPI/CSTA) to a office phone and Follow-Me forwarding is activated on this phone. A number of voice gateways do not allow a redirected port for a call deflection and acknowledge this request with an error.


If the target of a call deflection is an AnyDevice device (e.g. if the Follow-Me function is activated), the XPhone Connect Server can alternatively reach the AnyDevice device via the XccGatewayInPrefix.

System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > SIP > SIP Gateway Objekt > Advanced Settings




1: Setting is to be set to 1 if this mode is to be activated.


By default, the XPhone Call Controller expects DTMF according to RFC 2833 (RTP event in the inbound stream). It may happen (especially if the telephone system does DMC) that there is no way to influence the behaviour! In this case, the following settings are necessary:

System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > SIP > SIP Gateway Objekt > Advanced Settings





ShowForwardBusy and ShowForwardNoAnswer

If call forwarding features do not work due to SIP trunk incompatibilities, there is the option to hide these features on the client.

For this purpose

  • for all lines of a PBX under System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > SIP > SIP Gateway > Parameter sets for lines (advanced settings) or

  • for individual lines under System settings > Telephony & Meetings > Telephony > Lines > Line > Advanced Settings

the respective parameters are set to FALSE:

For Busy:


For After Time:


All parameters have set TRUE as default value.

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