Phone number formats
In order for phone numbers to be resolved via the REST interface, they must be supplied by the Session Border Controller in certain formats. Valid are
E-164 Format (mit vorangestelltem Pluszeichen)
International format, starting with
National format, starting with
Local phone number (not starting with
and longer than an internal phone number)Extension number (not beginning with
and less than or equal to the internal number length)
Make sure that your local Dialing parameters in the administration program settings are correct and are used by the Microsoft Microsoft Teams client interface. The same applies to the settings for Phone number conversion in the data sources.
If possible, configure your systems so that the E.164 format is used throughout.
If phone numbers are transported via the REST interface using HTTP GET, the +
character must be replaced by the sequence %2B
Correct |
Wrong |
+49891234567 0049891234567 0891234567 |
49891234567 00891234567 |
Suggestions for improvement welcome