Das Telefonbuch Deutschland - TVG web service

Add Das Telefonbuch Deutschland - TVG web service as a data source to XPhone Connect Directory.

1. Basic settings

First, configure the Basic settings.

2. Proxy settings

In this step, you can make the proxy settings for the web service.

  • Using proxy

    Select the web proxy here, which is to be used for accessing the web service. If no proxy is necessary, it must not be stated.

  • Path & Port

    Enter the address and the port of the proxy server here. Default port: 8080

  • Login - integrated Windows authentication

  • or login with access data

    If it is not possible to use the integrated Windows authentication, activate the Access data and enter Domain, User and the Password.


Firewall and proxy must be configured to allow access to https://tbwebservice-tvg.de (default HTTPS port 443).

3. Access data

In this step you can enter the access data to the web service.

  • E-mail

    Select the web proxy here, which is to be used for accessing the web service. If no proxy is necessary, it must not be stated.

  • Password

    Enter the address and the port of the proxy server here. Default port: 8080

  • Terms of purchase and use

    To enable and save the Access Data Management and Info buttons, the Terms of Purchase and Use must be accepted.

  • Access data management

    You can create a free 45-day trial account directly here. To do so, click on:

    • 1. set up new trial account and fill in the fields: Name, Company Name, City, Email, Password and Password Repeat. To activate test access for the “Phonebook Germany” click on

    • 2. activate access and enter there e-mail and the password and PIN you received by e-mail during registration.

    • The buttons Buy license and Forgot password lead you directly to the website of TVG Verlag. Under Change password you have the possibility to change your existing password.

  • Info

    Gives information about the publisher of “Das Telefonbuch Deutschland” web service and about your access.

6. Data access

Configure the Data access.

4. Telephone number conversion

Configure the Telephone number conversion.

5. Authorisation

Configure the Authorisation.

6. Priority

Configure the Priority.

7. Approximation search

Configure the Approximation search.

8. Overview

Finish configuration of the data source with Overview.

Suggestions for improvement welcome

Have you discovered an error on this page or found an unclear formulation?
Please send your comments and suggestions for improvement to doku@c4b.de.
Thank you for your help!