
Add Salesforce as a data source to XPhone Connect Directory.

1. Basic settings

First, configure the Basic settings.

2. Proxy settings

In this step, you can make the proxy settings for the web service.

  • Using proxy
    • Select the web proxy here, which is to be used for accessing the web service. If no proxy is necessary, it must not be stated.

  • Path & Port
    • Enter the address and the port of the proxy server here. Default port: 8080

  • Login - integrated Windows authentication

  • or login with access data
    • If it is not possible to use the integrated Windows authentication, activate the Access data and enter Domain, User and the Password.

3. Web service

  1. Username

    Enter the user name.

  2. Password

    Enter the password.

  3. Security token

    The token is provided by Salesforce and will be emailed to you.


    Please note the upper and lower case!

  • Connection test

    Run the Connection Test to verify the entries.

4. Entities

Define in which entities (companies, contacts, leads) XPhone Connect Directory searches for contacts.

5. Index schedule

Configure the Index schedule.

6. Data access

Configure the Data access.

7. Telephone number conversion

Configure the Telephone number conversion.

8. Authorisation

Configure the Authorisation.

9. Priority

Configure the Priority.

10. Approximation search

Configure the Approximation search.

11. Overview

Finish configuration of the data source with Overview.



If customer-specific data fields have been added to the Salesforce schema using Salesforce objects, these can also be included in the mapping of the data source.

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