Telephone number conversion

This step enables you to specify a dialling parameter for each data source or client interface with which the XPhone Connect directory automatically completes as required. The XPhone Connect Directory uses dialling parameters to standardize the phone numbers of contacts from various data sources; in other words, to give them a uniform format. This is the only way to ensure that the users find the right contact data. The following examples provide an overview of how dialling parameters are used.

  • Automatically add area code

    You can define a dialling parameter with which the XPhone Connect directory automatically adds the area code where required.


    Your data source is maintained in Munich. The data source contains phone numbers in 123456-789 format without the 089 area code. Define a Munich dialling parameter which automatically adds the country code and area code to the +49 89 123456-789 phone number. If you access your data source in Munich from Hamburg and want to make contact, the XPhone Connect directory dials the correctly created telephone number automatically.

  • Specifying the main telephone number for companies

    You can specify a dialling parameter for companies with main telephone numbers, which the XPhone Connect directory adds to the main telephone number automatically as required.


    Only internal telephone numbers are saved in the contacts of company ABC in your data source. Define a Main phone number dialling parameter which adds the 987654 main phone number for company ABC as well as the country code (+49) and area code (89), for example. An internal phone number saved as -123 in the data source is then automatically supplemented in the XPhone Connect directory to become +49 89 987654-123.

  • Control automatic completion of phone numbers

    You can define the dialling parameters to specify the number of digits in an internal phone number.


    You are using a Hautptruf_NL_Berlin dialling parameter in +49 30 998877 format in the XPhone Connect directory. Your data source contains phone numbers in 123456-789 format. You have specified in the dialling parameter settings that an internal phone number can comprise a maximum of three digits. Although you are using a dialling parameter with a main phone number, the XPhone Connect directory recognizes that the phone number is not an internal phone number as it has more than three digits and does not therefore supplement the main phone number. As the phone number does not start with 0, the XPhone Connect directory adds the area code. The country code is added last.

Select a phone number conversion: Select from the list of dialling parameters to complete the phone numbers in the data source and use in the desired format. The XPhone Connect Directory shows a preview of the phone number format.

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