Microsoft Exchange - shared Outlook contact folder

Before you can add a shared Outlook contact folder as a data source to XPhone Connect Directory, certain conditions must be met for Microsoft Exchange.

The connection of shared contact folders requires an installed Outlook 2016/2019 (32-bit), otherwise this connection will not be offered for selection. The Microsoft Exchange Server version must be 2016 or newer.

Before connecting to the Connect Directory, interactively check the availability of the desired contact folders in Outlook. Do this by starting Outlook in the same account under which the XPhone Connect Server also runs.


For connecting shared contact folders, make sure that the access permissions to the data source match the permissions of the contact folder (see point 6. below).


Client-side connection of approved contact folders:

If shared contacts are not integrated via this data source, but are made available via the local address book connection (XPhone Connect Client > Settings > Address Books), Exchange cache mode must be activated for the account in the user’s local Outlook.


In order to be able to connect private, shared and public Outlook contact folders to XPhone Connect Directory, you must have a Microsoft Exchange Server in your company. Furthermore, a number of configuration requirements are necessary, which are described below.

  • MAPI must be installed in order to use the XPhone Connect Server.

  • Special permissions for the services account are required.

  • The account under which the XPhone Connect Server runs (the name can be freely chosen, it will be called UMaccount hereafter) requires special permissions for the Windows Registry and the file system on the XPhone Connect Server.


Please set up the MAPI interface as described in the MAPI connection guide!

1. Basic settings

First, configure the Basic settings.

2a. Shared contact folder

  1. Please select the Outlook profile containing the contact folder to be connected. Wait until the folder hierarchy has been loaded.

  2. Select a folder bearing the symbol for contact folders Exchange_Icon_Kontakte.

  3. Click Show entries for a preview of the approved Outlook contacts.

  4. In the preview, click Next hits to scroll through the list of contacts.

2b. Alternative: Shared contact folders of a user

  1. To connect shared contact folders of a specific user, activate the option Enter email address of user mailbox, a password prompt for authentication will appear.

  2. Authentication with the XPhone Connect Server service account is required for this access, enter the service account password and click Log in.

  3. Enter the e-mail address of the user account to be connected and click Show folders. An invalid user account is indicated by red text; correct your entry. On the Exchange Server, the Server’s service account requires the necessary access rights to the respective user account, otherwise the account data cannot be read.

  4. Select a folder bearing the symbol for contact folders Exchange_Icon_Kontakte.

  5. Click Show entries for a preview of the approved Outlook contacts.

  6. In the preview, click Next hits to scroll through the list of contacts.


If you wish to see or change the saved configuration at a later stage, authentication will be required again.

3. Index schedule

Configure the Index schedule.

4. Data access

Configure the Data access.

5. Telephone number conversion

Configure the Telephone number conversion.

6. Authorisation

Configure the Authorisation.

7. Priority

Configure the Priority.

8. Approximation search

Configure the Approximation search.

9. Overview

Finish configuration of the data source with Overview.

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