Microsoft Dynamics CRM

You can add a Microsoft Dynamics CRM data source to XPhone Connect Directory.

1. Basic settings

This step enables you to specify the basic settings for the data source. You can allocate a name and a description and specify whether the data source is connected automatically upon starting of the XPhone Connect Directory.

  1. Name
    • Enter a name to identify the data source. Select this name carefully, since it is part of the data set identification. If it is changed, permanently saved references to data sets become invalid. This name is later displayed in the XPhone Connect directory administration interface.

  2. Unique identifier [1]
    • The data source identifier identifies the data source clearly. It is used to create a unique and long-term reference to contact entries.

    • Only change this identifier in special cases.

    • This can be the case when, e.g. a data source has been deleted and replaced by a new one. In such a case, the name of the old data source can be replaced. You can find the identifier of a deleted data source in the event log or in the exported settings.

  3. Description
    • Enter an optional description of the data source here. Here you can enter an extended description that provides further information about the data source.

  4. Activate automatically upon start of the XPhone Connect Server
    • If you do not want the data source to be connected upon start of the XPhone Connect Server, uncheck the corresponding box (default active image1). A connection to the data source is made immediately when the XPhone Connect Server is started.

2. Connection

In this step you can make the connection settings from XPhone Connect Directory to Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


To be able to read the entities from the database, XPhone Connect Server requires access to the views FilteredAccount, FilteredContact and FilteredLead. To do this, create the Connect Server service account as a user in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and grant it the appropriate access rights to the views.

  • SQL Server Name / IP

    Select in the field SQLSERVER NAME/IP the SQL server on which the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database is stored. XPhone Connect Directory sends a query and lists all the SQL servers available in your network. If the desired SQL server is not shown, enter the server name or SQL server IP address manually.

  • MSCRM Version

    Select your MSCRM version (2011 / 2013).

  • Organisation

    In the ORGANISATION field, select the MSCRM organisational unit to which you wish to establish a connection. A separate database is set up in the SQL server for each organisational unit created in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The organisational units always have the _MSCRM suffix. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011/2013 support several organisational units.

  • Corporate unit

    Select a corporate unit here.

  • URL

    In the URL field, enter the address via which you can access Microsoft Dynamics CRM in the URL field. Do this by activating the check box. Contacts should contain a link to the MSCRM website. Entering the URL enables the original MSCRM mask containing contacts, companies or leads to be opened when searching using XPhone Connect Client. To open the detailed MSCRM mask, the user must avail of the corresponding rights in MSCRM.

3. Entities

Define in which entities (companies, contacts, leads) XPhone Connect Directory searches for contacts.

4. Index schedule

Configure the Index schedule.

5. Data access

In this section, you can specify whether you wish to activate short-term storage for search results.

  1. Activating cache

    Short-term storage of search results (cache) relieves the database connected and shortens the run time for a search in the event that many search queries provide the same hits during storage as no access is provided to the database connected for hits already saved.


    Activation of short-term storage is practical when database entries are not constantly updated. It is recommended especially for slow databases to use this function.

  2. Storage duration (minutes)

    Subsequently, you can configure for how long the search results are to be saved. The storage duration is a compromise between timeliness of the results, relieving the connected database and speed of the search.

6. Telephone number conversion

This step enables you to specify a dialling parameter for each data source or client interface with which the XPhone Connect directory automatically completes as required. The XPhone Connect Directory uses dialling parameters to standardize the phone numbers of contacts from various data sources; in other words, to give them a uniform format. This is the only way to ensure that the users find the right contact data. The following examples provide an overview of how dialling parameters are used.

  • Automatically add area code

    You can define a dialling parameter with which the XPhone Connect directory automatically adds the area code where required.


    Your data source is maintained in Munich. The data source contains phone numbers in 123456-789 format without the 089 area code. Define a Munich dialling parameter which automatically adds the country code and area code to the +49 89 123456-789 phone number. If you access your data source in Munich from Hamburg and want to make contact, the XPhone Connect directory dials the correctly created telephone number automatically.

  • Specifying the main telephone number for companies

    You can specify a dialling parameter for companies with main telephone numbers, which the XPhone Connect directory adds to the main telephone number automatically as required.


    Only internal telephone numbers are saved in the contacts of company ABC in your data source. Define a Main phone number dialling parameter which adds the 987654 main phone number for company ABC as well as the country code (+49) and area code (89), for example. An internal phone number saved as -123 in the data source is then automatically supplemented in the XPhone Connect directory to become +49 89 987654-123.

  • Control automatic completion of phone numbers

    You can define the dialling parameters to specify the number of digits in an internal phone number.


    You are using a Hautptruf_NL_Berlin dialling parameter in +49 30 998877 format in the XPhone Connect directory. Your data source contains phone numbers in 123456-789 format. You have specified in the dialling parameter settings that an internal phone number can comprise a maximum of three digits. Although you are using a dialling parameter with a main phone number, the XPhone Connect directory recognizes that the phone number is not an internal phone number as it has more than three digits and does not therefore supplement the main phone number. As the phone number does not start with 0, the XPhone Connect directory adds the area code. The country code is added last.

Select a phone number conversion: Select from the list of dialling parameters to complete the phone numbers in the data source and use in the desired format. The XPhone Connect Directory shows a preview of the phone number format.

8. Authorisation

This step enables you to specify the users and user groups entitled to access the data sources. You can find additional information on the authorisation concept in the XPhone Connect Directory under Authorisations and authentication. You can define how access to the data sources is to be regulated:

  • Access via standard access types (Everyone, Authenticated, Anonymous, Auto Attendants)

    Permit access for every user, only for authenticated users or anonymous users.

  • Access via users and user groups

    Permit access for users and groups from the Active Directory or users, organisational units and / or Auto Attendants of the XPhone Connect Server.

  • Access with client interfaces created previously

    Permit access to your data only with selected client interfaces. The client interfaces must have been created beforehand.

Add standard access

  1. add_button_green Add

    Click Add.

  2. Name image2

    Select a standard access type from list in the column Name.

Adding access for users or groups

  1. add_button_green Add

    Click Add.

  2. Select user/group… image4

    From the list, select the access type Select user/group.

  3. The Search user / group dialogue opens

    Enter the user’s or the group’s name in the Search user/group window and click Search. The search results are shown in a list.

  4. image5 Search in

    To limit the search, click Search in and either uncheck the box in front of Active Directory or in front of XPhone Connect Server.

  5. Highlight & Select

    Select the user or the group from the list you want to add and click Select.

Add access for client interface

  1. add_button_green Add

    Click Add.

  2. Select client interface… image8

    From the list, select the access type Select client interface.

  3. The Search client interface dialogue opens

    Enter the name of the client interface in the Search client interface window and click Search. The search results are shown in a list.

  4. Highlight & Select

    Select the desired client interface and click Select.

Edit access

  1. Highlight

    Highlight the desired entry.

  2. ________________ image9

    Select the new access type from the list in column Name.

Delete access

  1. Highlight

    Highlight the desired entry.

  2. delete Remove

    Click Remove.

8. Priority

In this step, you can specify the priority of the hits for this data source.


As many data sources as possible with the same priority increase the search performance.

  • Priority

    Values between 1 and 999 are allowed (the largest number correspond to the highest priority). The order is displayed based on the current priority for multiple data sources. As soon as the priority is changed, the displayed order is updated as well.

Sorting of hits

Sorting of hits is done by the XPhone Connect Client and has two steps:

  1. The hits of the data source with the highest priority (largest number) are put to the top of the list.

  2. All other hits are listed subsequently where the order is independent of priority.

9. Approximation search

The approximation search attempts to find a company number if an applicable extension cannot be found. A contact must meet the following requirements to be used as approximation result:

  • Centres must either have a value in “Company” and no values in “Name” and “First Name”,

  • or a value in “Name” and no value in “Company” and “First Name”,

  • or a value in “Name” and the same value in “Company” and no value in “First Name”.

  • Caller identification

    If this box is checked, the centre number will be displayed if the extension is unknown. Required telephone number format in contacts, e.g.: +49(89)12345-0

10. Overview

In this step, you can check the settings you made for the data source.

  • Overview

    Make sure that all settings made are correct.

How to complete the configuration:

  1. Save

    Click Save to complete the configuration and to add the data source to the XPhone Connect Directory.

  2. Cancel

    Click Cancel to discard the configuration.

  3. Allocating data source fields to the XPhone directory diagrammes.

    image10 Click Allocating data source field to the XPhone Connect directory to adapt the allocation of the data source fields to the XPhone Connect directory fields. When a new configuration is created, you will be asked to save the configuration first. If you opened an existing configuration, you can continue with the allocation.

XPhone Connect Directory attempts to establish a connection to the data source when saving. If successful, the information sign info_green, between data source and mapping, is displayed in green. If no connection to the data source can be established, the information sign info_red appears in red. Position the mouse cursor over the information sign image11 to display the tooltip with further information. If no connection to the data source can be established, the icon Not connected warning appears.

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