LDAP directory

Add any LDAP directory as a data source to XPhone Connect Directory.


XPhone Connect Directory uses an internal index. The index must query all of the information on all entries in accordance with the configuration parameters, search basis and filters. The LDAP directory to be connected must be configured in such a way that it does not supply any Exceeded number of hits error message. It must be ensured that all of the entries can be queried.

1. Basic settings

First, configure the Basic settings.

2. Server

  1. Host

    Enter the IP address or the host name of the LDAP Directory under HOST.

  2. Port

    Enter the LDAP directory port here.

  3. LDAP version

    Select your LDAP version (V2/V3).

  4. Login

    Select the type (Anonymous / User name & password) of Login.

3. Search basis

A search basis must be defined from where the search is started in the LDAP Directory. This is defined by selecting a node in the LDAP Directory structure.

  1. Search basis

    Optionally, the search basis can be entered manually in the field of the same name.

  2. Access DNs

    The structure can also be called automatically via Access DNs. The LDAP Directory structure is identified and shown. Select a value to be itransferred to the Search basis field. Now you can also adapt the search basis as outlined in 1.

  3. Recursive search

    If you want to search in all (!) lower nodes in addition to the selected node, Recursive search in lower nodes must be selected.

4. Filter

In order to restrict the search results, a filter can be entered for an objectClass.

  • Restricted by the following filter conditions

    A user-defined filter condition can be entered here. Default: (objectClass=person) Move the mouse pointer over the QuickGuide icon info to get more information about the filter conditions.

  • Select objectClass(es)

    If the LDAP directory supports determination of the diagram, do so using Select objectClass(es).

  • Show entries

    Shows a preview of entries.

5. Index schedule

Configure the Index schedule.

6. Data access

Configure the Data access.

7. Telephone number conversion

Configure the Telephone number conversion.

8. Authorisation

Configure the Authorisation.

9. Priority

Configure the Priority.

10. Approximation search

Configure the Approximation search.

11. Overview

Finish configuration of the data source with Overview.

image10 Now link the Entry ID field with the DN field of the LDAP data source (see also chapter Field mapping of data sources).

Suggestions for improvement welcome

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Please send your comments and suggestions for improvement to doku@c4b.de.
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