Index schedule
In this dialog you can specify on which days of the week and at what time the index of the XPhone Connect Directory database is to be updated.
The index comprises the indexed fields of all data records read from the linked data sources. The XPhone Connect Directory database uses this index to find data in the linked data sources faster when searches are initiated. As the search result, users do not receive the data from the index but rather the original data from the linked data source. The original data is not replicated in the XPhone Connect Directory database (with the exception of CSV data).
To ensure that data remains current in the index, you can use the start and end time as well as an interval of your choice to specify when and how often the XPhone Connect Directory should automatically update the index.
When scheduling index updates, please consider the following questions:
- How many data sources should be linked with the XPhone Connect Directory?
If you only want to link one database, for example, you can have the index updated several times a day.
- How much contact data do the individual data sources contain?
If you want to link several databases containing a lot of entries, for example, you should only have the index updated once or twice a day. As database performance can decrease during index updates, the index updates should only be carried out outside standard office hours (at night, for example).
- How often does the data in the individual data sources change?
If the data in a database changes several times a day, the index of this data source should be updated several times a day. If the data in the index does not comply with the indexed fields in the data source, the data cannot be found in the data source.
- When are the data sources accessed by as few people as possible?
If a database is not used by several international company locations, the index can be updated outside standard office hours, e.g. at night.
Carefully plan when and how often index updating is to be started. If you linked multiple data sources with the XPhone Connect Directory, a simultaneous update of the respective index entries can cause performance problems since the linked data sources as well as the XPhone Connect Directory database are accessed at the same time.
Also make sure that the index updates and connector synchronization are not run in parallel if possible. This can lead to high CPU usage.
- Weekdays
Check the boxes for those weekdays the index should be updated.
- Start time
In the field Start time, select the time the XPhone Connect Directory starts the update.
- End time
In the field End time, select the time the XPhone Connect Directory stops the update. (End time >= Start time)
- Interval
Select the frequency of index updates (format: HH:MM, 00:00 means once-off execution at the start time).
Once daily execution outside business hours (e.g. several linked data sources with many entries)
Activate desired days (e.g. daily or only at the weekend)
Select start time after business hours
Select End time >= Start time
Select interval 00:00
=> Updates are run once at the start time on the desired days.
Several daily executions during business hours (e.g. only one linked data source with frequent changes to data stocks during working hours)
Activate desired days (e.g. Mon.- Fri.)
Select Start time (e.g. 08:00 a.m.)
Select End time (e.g. 04:00 p.m.)
Select Interval (e.g. 02:00)
=> Updates are run every two hours at the start time on the desired days, for the first time at 8 am, for the last time at 4 pm.
Suggestions for improvement welcome