Add DATEV SDD as a data source. This data source serves towards linking the DATEV SDD (master data service).
To run the data source, the XPhone Connect Directory Server service must be running under a Windows account that is set up as a user in DATEV.
The DATEV Pro Software workstation must be installed and configured and started at least once.
The DATEV Client may only be installed after the XPhone Connect Server; otherwise, problems can arise when installing the XPhone Connect Server’s databases.
If the rights are insufficient, the following error message is provided:
Beim Zugriff auf den VDirAdapterDATEVProxy ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Manche oder alle Identitätsverweise konnten nicht übersetzt werden.
In such a case, please ensure that the account has the requisite rights for DATEV. For more information, go to the DATEV documentation.
1. Basic settings
First, configure the Basic settings.
2. Addressee types
This step enables you to select the addressee types to be used.
- Addressee types
Select the addressee types (person, company, contact) to be used here.
- Options for creating contacts
Specify how an individual data record is to be depicted in XPhone Connect Directory. In optimised creation of contacts, several phone numbers per XPhone Connect Directory contact are allocated to the various fields. Alternatively, a single contact can be created for each phone number.
5. Index schedule
Configure the Index schedule.
4. Telephone number conversion
Configure the Telephone number conversion.
5. Authorisation
Configure the Authorisation.
6. Priority
Configure the Priority.
7. Approximation search
Configure the Approximation search.
8. Overview
Finish configuration of the data source with Overview.
Features particular to field allocation
A single DATEV data record can theoretically contain any number of communication data such as phone numbers, e-mail addresses or fax numbers. In order to map these in the XPhone Connect Directory data scheme, several XPhone Connect Directory data records may be created from one DATEV data record.
In field allocation, fields with {n} or {n+1} {n+2} … are marked. These are the variable fields across which the individual XPhone Connect Directory data records are distributed.
For example: a DATEV data record contains three e-mail addresses and only the E-mail {n} and E-mail {n+1} fields are assigned in the field allocation dialogue. A XPhone Connect Directory contact is therefore created with the first two e-mail addresses and a second XPhone Connect Directory contact is created with the third e-mail address.
This way, you can also specify how many XPhone Connect Directory data records are set up per DATEV data record.
Communication data marked as default is always inserted in the first entry.
Other entries are marked with their names + numbers.
If a company is entered as an addressee type and management is entered, a separate entry is created comprising the name + “Management” with the corresponding data.
Suggestions for improvement welcome