Active Directory

Add any Active Directory as a data source to XPhone Connect Directory.

1. Basic settings

First, configure the Basic settings.

2. Server

  1. Automatic selection of the Global Catalogue Server
    • Via Automatic selection of Global Catalog Server, an automatic discovery and connection to the Active Directory via the Global Catalog Server takes place. Authentication to the Active Directory in this case takes place using the service account (changeable via tls-mgr) under which XPhone Connect Directory is running.

  2. Specification of an Active Directory or Global Catalogue Server
    • A manual configuration of the connection parameters for the Active Directory access is possible by specifying an Active Directory or Global Catalogue Server. With the selected option, logging in can be done as:

      • Anonymous access

      • Using the job account

        • (under which XPhone Connect Directory is run)

      • Stating user name and password

  3. Use secure connection (SSL)
    • If necessary, activate the checkbox.


    If the certificate verification fails:

    • Make sure that the Windows server is a member of the domain or

    • import the certificate authority certificate under the root certificates of the Windows server.

3. Search basis

A search basis must be defined from where the search is started in the Active Directory. This is defined by selecting a node in the Active Directory structure.

  • Connection
    • With a Connection, the Active Directory structure is determined.

  • Recursive search
    • If you want to search in all (!) lower nodes in addition to the selected node, Recursive search in lower nodes must be selected.

4. Filter

To limit the search results, you can use the filter options User, Contacts and specifying user-defined filter conditions, which are** limited to the following filter conditions**.

  • Users
    • and/or

  • Contacts
    • or (!)

  • Limited by filter conditions

5. Index schedule

Configure the Index schedule.

6. Data access

Configure the Data access.

7. Telephone number conversion

Configure the Telephone number conversion.

8. Authorisation

Configure the Authorisation.

9. Priority

Configure the Priority.

10. Approximation search

Configure the Approximation search.

11. Overview

Finish configuration of the data source with Overview.

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