Installing the administration interface

The XPhone Connect directory administration interface is a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. WPF applications use hardware acceleration for rendering the graphic interface. Thus, we recommended to update the graphics board driver, if required.


Firewall settings

When using a firewall, external access to the XPhone Connect Server must be ensured. Set up the firewall so that it allows access to the service atlasservice.exe.

Ports used

Access to the following ports must be ensured:

  • 2230 for the XPhone Connectdirectory administration interface.

  • all other ports that are used by the created client interfaces.

System requirements

The XPhone Connect Directory administration interface can be installed easily with the ClickOnce technology following a link. ClickOnce has the following requirements:

  • Windows Installer 5.0

  • .NET Framework 4.8

  • Internet Explorer or Firefox (for Firefox, the “.NET Framework Assistant” is required with which a ClickOnce add-on is installed).

Installing the admin interface

You can install the XPhone Connect Directory administration interface with ClickOnce.

  1. Open the administration website of the XPhone Connect Server and select |dir-path_en|.

  2. Click the Open/Install XPhone Connect Directory Administration link to install the XPhone Connect Directory administration interface.


The default password for the administration interface was given to you in a C4B product training. We recommend that you change the password after logging in for the first time. If you do not remember the password, please contact C4B Product Support.

Change the password for logging on to the XPhone Connect Directory administration interface.


To ensure that no unauthorized person gains access to your contact data, XPhone Connect Directory has a sophisticated authorization concept.

Search requests to the XPhone Connect Directory are made via the various client interfaces. The required authentication information must be included in the search requests. The following authentication options are supported depending on the type of client interface:

  • No authentication

    No authentication Access to the data sources takes place anonymously. The accessing user is therefore not known.

  • Authentication with login name and password.

    The user is known by the name/password combination he or she has specified. This can be the XPhone Connect Server credentials or the Active Directory credentials. Alternatively, it is also possible to specify a special login name and password at the client interface. However, this only serves to secure access to the client interface and cannot be used to identify a specific user in XPhone Connect Server or Active Directory.

  • Integrated Windows login

    The users are recognized by Windows authentication features just by the fact that you have logged in to your operating system against your domain server. Note that access to the client interface may be performed by an intermediate system. For example, the address book searches of some phones are routed through the PBX. In such cases, most of the authentication information is no longer available.

  • XPhone Connect Server login

    This login type is only supported by the XPhone Connect Client. In this case, the XPhone Connect Client credentials are used on the XPhone Connect Server for authentication on the client interface.

    In addition to the user-related authentication information, each access is provided with information about which client interface was used for the access and whether a valid authentication was established at all.


Access permissions to data sources are based on the authentication information supplied to the accesses by the client interfaces. On the authorization side, it is possible to set what users are allowed to use the data source. There are several possibilities to limit the group of authorized users:

  • Users or authorisation groups can be added from the Active Directory.

  • It is possible to indicate client interfaces. All searches made via the specified client interface are performed. The user is not authenticated.

  • The three predefined classifications Everyone, Authenticated and Anonymous are available. Anonymous means that the user has not authenticated himself. In contrast, Authenticated means that the accessing user is known. Everyone combines Anonymous and Authenticated.

  • Individual XPhone Connect Server users can be selected or all users of a selected location or configuration group within XPhone Connect Server.

  • Permissions can also be assigned to Auto Attendants.


On XPhone Connect Server, an XPhone Connect user can be assigned to an Active Directory user. XPhone Connect Directory uses such an assignment, for example, to grant an authenticated XPhone Connect Server user access to a data source if only one Active Directory security group has been authorized for the data source.

It is not possible to specify via the authorizations who is entitled to access what data or data source. This is important in order to understand the significance of authorization for personal data sources, e.g. the data source for the personal Outlook contact folder. The authorizations determine who is allowed to use the data source. “All” means that anyone can access the data source.

The data source itself controls who can see which data. In the case of personal contact folders, this is always only the data from your own personal contact folder and not the data from the contact folders of other users. XPhone Connect Directory does not offer the option of setting anyone other than yourself to see your private contact data.

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