Administration interface

XPhone Connect Directory offers a user interface which is easy to use and via which you can swiftly add new data sources and client interfaces.

Start the administration interface either directly on the XPhone Connect Server via the XPhone Connect Server Manager or via the XPhone Connect Directory link in the Start menu if you have downloaded the ClickOnce application (locally).

The default access data was provided to you in one of the C4B trainings. If you have any questions, please contact C4B Product Support.

The XPhone Connect Directory administration interface is broken down into three areas: Menu bar, Quick Guide, Allocation area.

Allocation area

The allocation area is broken down into three vertical sections:

Data sources
  • The left-hand section contains an overview of the data sources available. They can be added, edited and deleted.

field_mapping Field allocation
  • The middle section contains an overview of the field allocation diagrams for all data sources and client interfaces. Here, you can edit the allocation of the data source field to the XPhone Connect Directory allocation scheme and edit the allocations of the fields from the XPhone Connect Directory allocation scheme to the fields of the client interface.

symbol_ci Client Interfaces
  • The right-hand section contains an overview of the client interfaces available. They can be added, edited and deleted.


Use the XPhone Connect directory administration interface to swiftly and easily set up data sources and client interfaces and edit them at a later stage. The following sections provide an overview of the most important features of the XPhone Connect Directory.

Adding data sources / client interfaces

To add a new data source or client interface to the XPhone Connect Directory, click Add data source or Add client interface add_button_green and the corresponding configuration wizard will be started.

Importing configuration: You can select the command as last selection item of each list (data sources / client interfaces). This allows you to import an XML configuration that was exported previously. The export necessary for this is described below.

Editing data sources and client interfaces

To edit the settings of a data source or client interface already set up, click the name of the data source or client interface. The respective configuration wizard starts.

Show detailed information on data sources and client interfaces

To show information on the data sources or client interfaces without using the configuration wizard, click the arrow symbol after the data source or client interface name .

The view of the selected data source or client interface is expanded to include an area with additional information. You can get additional buttons by clicking the arrow button_down at the bottom right:

  • Deactivate (or Activate)
    • You can deactivate created data sources or client interfaces to reduce the load on the XPhone Connect Server. This makes sense if you have created a lot of data sources or client interfaces but not all of them are required all of the time. The data source or client interface settings will not be lost.


    Note that deactivated data sources or client interfaces are reactivated after restarting the XPhone Connect Server service or the Windows machine. If you do not want this, open the properties of the data source or client interface and deactivate the option Activate automatically when XPhone Connect Server starts on the first page.

  • Update the index
    • To make the searches as efficient as possible, an index is created for each data source. To perform an unscheduled update, for example in case of numerous record changes within the source database, this command can be used.

  • Exporting the configuration
    • Select this option if you want to export the data source or the client interface as XML. Select a directory and click Export. You can also use the import feature as described above.

  • Delete

Deleting data sources and client interfaces

To delete data sources or client interfaces, expand the view of the data source or the client interface with button_down and click again button_down. The command Delete is now visible and must be clicked.

Show connection status to XPhone Connect Directory

An information symbol on the connection arrow between the data source (or client interface) and the field diagramme shows the status of the data source or the client interface. The following statuses exist in the XPhone Connect Directory:

info_green Green information symbol
  • The data source / client interface is activated and ready to process queries or provide results.

info_yellow Yellow information symbol
  • The data source / client interface is deactivated, i.e. queries are not processed and results are not provided.

info_red Red information symbol
  • Data source / client interface could not be activated and is in error state. Possible causes may include: a wrong configuration, incorrect field mapping, the source database is not accessible or missing licenses.

info_blue Blue information symbol
  • Service is processing - is being activated or deactivated. In this status, the data source or client interface is not available to process queries.

Hover the mouse over the information symbol to see details about the connection status. A pop-up appears with details on the connection.

Statistics information

If you move the mouse cursor over the information icons described above, a statistics view will appear.


The following information will be provided to you:

  • Status
    • Since when is the data source or the client interface active (since the new creation or the last XPhone Connect Server service restart).

  • Index (only for data sources)
    • By default, an index is written over individual fields of all records. Here you can see when the index was last updated (by default every day), the duration of the index update, when the next update is due and how many records are in the index.

  • Search statistics
    • Number of search queries including search hits and duration in certain time periods.

Edit field allocations

XPhone Connect directory includes standard allocation diagrams for allocating the fields of frequently used data sources and client interfaces. Change standard field allocation, click the Field allocation button in the middle allocation area:


Distinguish between the field allocation diagrams for data sources (left side) and client interfaces (right side). The corresponding field allocation diagramme (Data sources) or (Client Interfaces) is opened.

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