Watch our video tutorial: XPhone Connect Directory - Basics.
XPhone Connect Directory is a directory service for central access to distributed contact data and an integral part of XPhone Connect. You can connect various data sources and access your contacts and addresses directly. The data does not need to be replicated; you access your original data directly. Applications and end devices communicate via LDAP/HTTP or LDAPS/https with so-called client interfaces, through which authentication and search queries run, in order to be able to access your contact data. With XPhone Connect Directory, standard schemas are delivered for some data sources, which can usually be used directly. However, in order to adapt the data to specific customer needs, the respective schema can also be modified.
Note on searches with umlaut
By default, the search for umlauts also returns hits without umlauts, to cover spellings with ae
, oe
or ue
as well. This default behavior can be changed in the database:
To do this, start Microsoft SQL Management Studio (SSMS) with full administrator privileges.
Open the SQL instance in which the XPVDIR database is running. By default, this is the XPCONNECT instance.
How to get access to the instance if needed, you can read here: app-int-sql-sec
Open the properties of VDir_Default_Catalog below Storage > Full Text Catalogs and set Accent Sensitive to
:Searches with umlaut will then ignore any hits without umlaut.
XPhone Connect Directory is a component of the XPhone Connect Server. During installation, data sources and client interfaces are created automatically especially for operation of the XPhone Connect Server.
For the operation of XPhone Connect Directory you need only one system license XPhone Connect Server per server. This allows you to create up to ten data sources. If you want to create additional data sources, you can purchase XPhone Connect Additional Databases licenses.
If you add client interfaces for third-party applications, i.e. not XPhone Connect Server, XPhone Connect Client or AppLink, additional user licenses XPhone Connect Contacts are required.
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