Client interfaces field linking

To enable the XPhone Connect Directory contents to be shown in the users’ various applications and on the users’ various end devices, the fields in XPhone Connect Directory must be allocated to the corresponding client interface fields. Only this guarantees that the content provided by XPhone Connect Directory can be shown correctly.

XPhone Connect Directory comes with many standard mapping schemes for different client interfaces, which are used to automatically link the contact fields. You can use the mapping wizard to adjust the mappings at a later date. You can easily assign a field from the XPhone Connect Directory mapping scheme to several fields of the client interface (hold down the Ctrl key when selecting). An arrow shows which fields are assigned to each other. If you select a field, the arrow and the assigned field are highlighted in color.

Meaning of field allocations

If you wish to use client interfaces to access XPhone Connect Directory for which there is no allocation diagram, you must allocate the fields manually. In this case, allocate at least the fields containing the contact names and telephone numbers enabling you to use XPhone Connect Directory properly.

The EntryID field in the XPhone Connect Directory allocation diagram is a key field. Therefore, it must always be allocated to a corresponding field in the client interface (e.g. EntryID, ID, guiID, ObjectID). Otherwise, you will be unable to find any entries in XPhone Connect Directory using the client interface.

In the allocation wizard, certain fields feature an i in front of the field name. These indexed fields are used to develop an index. XPhone Connect Directory uses this index to find data in the linked data sources faster when searches are initiated. The allocation wizard offers various functions to facilitate data linking.

The allocation wizard offers various functions to facilitate data linking.

Map individual fields

You can allocate a field in the data source to a field XPhone Connect Directory in the allocation diagram.

  1. Select a field in the data source and drag & drop to the field in the XPhone Connect Directory allocation diagram.

  2. To apply all settings, click Save.

Allocating several fields (“denormalization”)

If a hit from the connected data sources contains values in more than one of the XPhone Connect Directory fields (e.g. telephone numbers), this hit is copied once for each of these values. The copied hits contain all of the values of the original hit in their fields with the exception of the field linked several times (e.g. telephone number) here which is only filled with one value (e.g. telephone number) from the XPhone Connect Directory field.


Example: A hit (Max Mustermann) contains three telephone numbers (telephone number, telephone number 2 and mobile). These can not be shown by many end devices. For this reason, telephone number 2 and mobile must be broken down into separate hits. Looking for Max Mustermann, three hits are supplied (previously only one hit): Max Mustermann, Max Mustermann (tel2) and Max Mustermann (mobile). Each hit contains the same data as the original hit (Max Mustermann); the only difference is in the Telephone number field.

  1. Select the first field in the XPhone Connect Directory allocation diagram and drag & drop to the field in the client interface.

  2. Hold the Ctrl key and drag & drop another field from the XPhone Connect Directory allocation diagram to the client interface field.

  3. Click the funnel icon to adjust the selections if you wish.

  4. Once you have allocated the respective fields, click Save to accept the changes.

Delete field mappings

You can delete field mappings if they have been mapped incorrectly, for example, or if you do not need the mapping.

  1. Select the field from the data source whose mapping you want to delete.

    • The mapping arrow is highlighted in color.

  2. Click the red X on the arrow to unassign it.

  3. To apply all settings, click Save.


You can only delete field mappings where the arrow is marked with a red X. Assignments with a black X in the assignment arrow are read-only and cannot be deleted.

Reset field mappings

You can reset the field mappings that you have changed manually to the mappings that were originally set.

  1. Click Reset.

  2. To apply all settings, click Save.

Customize view

You can choose which fields you want to display or change the sort order of the fields. For example, you can display only the fields that are not yet mapped, or sort the fields alphabetically.

  1. Click the eye button to customize the view of the client interface and the directory schema.

  2. To change the display of the fields, select All Fields, Mapped Fields, or Unmapped Fields.

  3. To change the sort order of the fields, select By Assignment or By Field Name.

You can also sort by field name only, click Field Name in the header of the data source or directory schema.

Switch between contacts preview and assigned field name

You can preview your contact data and browse through the contacts in your data source. This feature is only available in the data source fields table.

  • In the Sample column, click the < or > arrows to scroll through the contacts.

  • You can switch between previewing your contact data and displaying the field names. This function is only available in the table with XPhone Connect Directory Schema fields.

  • Click Assigned to or Example in the right column to toggle between a preview of your contact information and the assigned field names.

Create additional attributes

In the LDAP-based client interfaces, the allocation wizard offers an additional button enabling you to create additional attributes for the client interface. This function is helpful if you require a field with a certain name in your application or on your end device which does not however exist under this name in the XPhone Connect Directory allocation diagram provided. In this case, you can create an additional field with the respective name followed by allocating a field from the XPhone Connect Directory allocation diagram.

  1. Click Create new attribute.

  2. Enter the new field name and click OK.


    The First name field is on your device. But the XPhone Connect Directory allocation diagram only features a field entitled Surname. To show the field contents from your data source on the end device, create a new attribute entitled Surname.

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