Generic - CSV export

Add the CSV export as a client interface to XPhone Connect Directory and export all of the XPhone Connect Directory data into a CSV file.

1. Basic settings

In this step, you can determine the basic settings for the client interface. You can allocate a name and a description and specify whether the client interface is connected automatically upon starting of the XPhone Connect Directory.

  1. Name

    Enter a name for the client interface you want to add. This name is later displayed in the XPhone Connect Directory administrator interface.

  2. Description

    As an option, enter a description of the client interface. Here you can enter an extended description that provides further information about the client interface.

  3. Activate automatically upon start of the XPhone Connect Server

    If you do not want the client interface to be connected upon start of the XPhone Connect Server, uncheck the corresponding box (default setting: aktiv ).

2. CSV file

In this step, you can determine the basic settings for the client interface. You can allocate a name and a description and specify whether the client interface is connected automatically upon starting of the XPhone Connect Directory.

  1. Export CSV file path and name

    Enter the name and options for creating the CSV file, including a full path for the CSV file to be created. Please consider that the computer and/or Windows account on which XPhone Connect Directory is running must have write authorisation for the directory and not the administration interface.

  2. Spacers

    If you wish, you can insert spacers enabling the time and date to be integrated in the file name, e.g. \\server\vdirexport {y}-{M}-{d}.csv creates a file called vdirexport 2011-08-21. An attempt is made to create folders which are not available. Files which are already available are overwritten.

    • {y} year (4 spacers)

    • {M} month (2 spacers)

    • {d} day (2 spacers)

    • {h} hour (2 spacers)

    • {m} minute (2 spacers)

    • {s} second (2 spacers)

  3. Export settings

    • Separator:
      • Comma

      • Semicolon

      • Tab

    • Coding:
      • Unicode

      • US-ASCII

      • Unicode (UTF-7)

      • Unicode (UTF-8)

      • Unicode (UTF-32)

      • Unicode (Big-Endian)

    Insert column headers in the first row: If column headers are inserted, please activate this checkbox aktiv.

  4. Order of columns

    The order of columns can also be changed using the Order of columns… button - either by Drag & Drop or the arrow buttons. If the columns are shifted across several fields, the arrow buttons can also be held.

3. Telephone number conversion

This step enables you to specify a dialling parameter for each data source or client interface with which automatically completes phone numbers as required with the XPhone Connect Directory. The XPhone Connect Directory uses dialling parameters to standardize the phone numbers of contacts from various data sources; in other words, to give them a uniform format. This is the only way to ensure that the users find the correct contact data during a search.

  1. Select a telephone number conversion

    Here, you select the dialling parameter describing the telephone number format at the location of the users who use this client interface. It is used, for example, to convert a telephone number in international format into the shortest possible display form to achieve the best possible readability for the user.

  2. Selecting the format

    Select a format from the list in which the telephone numbers are to be displayed.

4. Export schedule

This step enables you to specify the weekdays and times the XPhone Connect Directory data base index is to be exported.

  • If you wish, you can activate a time-controlled export which creates a CSV file from all active data sources at regular intervals and for which the CSV client interface has read authorisation.

  • Times in the schedule at which the client interface was not active are not carried out later

  1. Activate scheduled export

    Activate the checkbox in order to activate time-controlled export and other options.

  2. Weekdays

    Check the boxes aktiv for those weekdays for exports.

  3. Start time

    In the Start time field, select the time the XPhone Connect Directory starts the export.

  4. End time

    In the field End time, select the time the XPhone Connect Directory stops the export.

  5. Interval

    In the field Interval, select how often the XPhone Connect Directory exports the data (format: HH:MM).

5. Overview

In this step, you can check the settings you made for the client interface. Make sure that all settings made are correct.

How to complete the configuration

  1. Click on Save to complete the configuration and to add the client interface to the XPhone Connect Directory.

  2. Click Cancel to discard the configuration.

  3. Continuing with field allocation


    Click on Continue with field allocation to adapt the allocation of the fields of the XPhone Connect Directory allocation scheme to the fields of the client interface.

    • If you created a new configuration, you will be asked to save the configuration first.

    • If you opened a new configuration, you can continue with the allocation.

A CSV export can be started independent of the time-controlled export via Starting export now and creating CSV file….

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